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im backdecided onFriday, February 22, 2008 @ 9:12 PM

Hello. *sigh*
im sorry to those who have been visitng and getting impatient but i made a promise with yunling not to use the computer for leisure but only AND ONLY for work, reserach, shcool stuff and so on. Except on weekends i guess.
So here i am. 2 weeks since. many apologies. =)
Anyway i have been extremely extremely busy;
  1. TONS of homework
  2. Piano exam really extremely soon( and i still havent memorized scales)
  3. Canoeing
This sucks.
I have hardly anytime to relax. and constant nagging makes it harder.

Positve thinking!
Class T-shirt is coming...=) so excited
English information report about : Oneiromancy, which mr pan said is fortune telling thorugh dreams. awesome. moast exciting and coolest homework ever, personally thats what i think. very cool topics. nice one mr pan. so happy didnt get animal.
Yesterday dam fun sia. After sports heats at bedok stadium, Went to macdonalds at bedok interchange with Lien, hazel, min jie, TK=) and Davin. When we reached , Tao wang, shiddiq and Taufiq popped in caused intentionally wanted to go LAN i think.
Then we had the most interesting 2-hour-long gossip ive ever had. OMg we were talking and talking and talking. non-stop. got quite loud,saw some people staring at us, so quitened down. Luckily this bunch of primary school soccer boys came to cover our noise by their NOISIER noise which irritated this lady student studying and she had that " shut-up-you-boys, im-so-irritated-i-could-kill-you" face on her.
Back to gossiping, we took turns to share gossips bout others as much as we knew. we even went by register number and spilled the beans on what we knew. haha. dam funny. did prank calls. main reason why we left cause someone saw us doing it.
Wow when each person told a secret, eveyrone listened super closely right up to your face. Dam funny sia. lots of surprising secrets. haha. cant tell you guys. sorry.

Anyway canoeing today dam tiring. did with Jessica at forst cause Jie yi came late. Went 5 rounds of 250m which means 2.5km without capsizing but no seat at the back and water in our boat. then as soon as we put seat, every round of 250m had to go back to platoon to adjust and caped like 4 times altogether.
When JieYi came, we didnt have problems till she accidentally rotated her body while stretching ...then we capped. haha. other than that we were fine. plan not to put in ANY water the next training.
So super tired now lah. Feel like dieying. 'lei si le'

Well, hope to go ice-skating with shuwei and the gossiping gang and movie next Sunday. mmmmm. haha. looking forward to that.

My must watch movie list:

Anyone up for it? pleeeeeeaaaase!

Well then. I guess i may/may not be able to write anytime soon so no promises. Have to practice for piano, memorize evrything and..ahyoh..dont even wanna talk about it.

So. see you then. do leave a tag! see ya!


=)decided onSunday, February 10, 2008 @ 3:39 PM

Today is sunday. Just finished the history hw on edulearn..i so late right? haha. realised 2 other quiz im supposed to do is out.. i thought the dateline is tommorrow? oh well. less homework then! =)
Yesterday yunling came over..finished up some literature stuff. wont tell you what we did. wait till we perform our magnificent skit for you guys! haha. im sure we'll pass. got nice cloth for clothing and shuwei:
Then at night went to aunts house to celebrate my dad's and my uncle's birthdaqy. i wish i had a pic of the cake because to me, it was the most PERFECT cake ive seen in my entire life!! cream at the sides, chocolate hardened liquidy icing on top (you know what i mean), pink icing for the words and srpinkled with rainbow sprinkles!!! flavour was choclate cheesecake which i didnt really fancy so that spoilt my mood.
Headed to the playground nearby to play some games with my cousins..actually only 2 of them and another friend. and my brothers. ok dont really care do you?
tomorrow have school.
JAMES MARSDEN IS ACTING AS CYCLOPS IN THE MOVIE X-MEN! TOTALLY DOESNT LOOK LIKE HIM RIGHT? go to shuwei's blog to see pics of who im talking about if you dont know.
tomorrow have sucky sucky school.
oh yea..
HAPPY BELATED CHINESE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! =) Gong Xi Fa Cai, Nian Nian You Yu, Xin Nian Kuai Le.
Not bad huh? i rememberd what i could. haha. k. Off to dreas about going to school.

I do, do you?

RTCdecided onWednesday, February 6, 2008 @ 4:18 PM

ooo..i have been mentioning about RTC in many of my previous posts and yet i forgot to blog about it. its pretty long but not as long as the camp do read here it is:
2nd-3rd February
Reached RTC (Raffles Town Club) around 3 plus..cause missed the turning and had to do another big round. Me and shankar went in first. shaman went to youth. Musfirah 'fetched' us from the ballroom lobby and headed to "Cafe and Terrace" where she was having lunch with her parents and MUNIR. I didnt eat anything as i wasn't hungry. shankar had an ice cream.
Then when their parents left, we headed to the room and first thing the boys did was plug in the xbox which we brought and started playing. Room was pretty small to fit 7 people. there was only a queen size bed and a sofa.
Then shaman arrived around 5 plus. played xbox. followed by Mahdi then Saira around 6 plus. Mahdi and saira came from school. Then we changed and headed to the same eatery but lady said it was fully booked, come back in an hour. So went bowling downstairs.
Played the game halfway an the guy came to tell us our tables were ready, it was merely half an hour! so munir and saira left to occupy the table and soon after, mahdi followed. so the remaining 4 of us anyhow bowled and just kept rolling the ball to the pins.
After we were done, headed for dinner. The fries and drinks we ordered at the bowlig alley came to our table. Buffet for dinner! not much variety, i must say. Nice food but wasn't totally satisfied when we were done.
Went back to the room only to find a birthday cake on the table next to the sofa. Meant for the maricans' father, whose birthday was that day. Black forest, cream and cherries, topped with chocolate shavings. heavenly. but saved it for later.
Then went online using laptop and go youtube to learn "Crnak that soulja boy" dance which i learnt and memorized and im so dam happy!!!!!!!!!! all i need is the song in my phone now.
Mardhiya joined us for dinner and then watched 27 dressed at LIDO at 12 midnight. Awesome show with a super hot guy, James Marsden. very sweet show. all girls should go watch it. thought i would sleep through it cause i was dam tired but nice show so i didnt!
After show, headed back to play 'bluff' with deck of cards. munir's favourite game. Mardhiya headed home. so sad.
After a while played 'indian poker'. randomly pick a card and stick it to your forehead so the others can see your card and you can see theirs. but nobody could see their own. so you have to convince each another that your card is a low number (lowest is 3 in this game). The person with the lowest number had to eat a piece of the cake. played that for quite awhile.
Then munir's smart idea came into mind. put cream from cake on mahdi's face. (because he was laready sleeping when we were playing cards) After putting the cream, tickled his nose so he would scratch it but in the end he woke up...THEN SCRATCHED IT AND CREAM WAS OVER HIS NOSE AND FINGERS!!! DAM FUNNY!!
Munir kept giving me grins. irritating. ugh. you and your imaginations.
Half the cake was left but we left it overnight. Took the top half of the bed off and layed it on the floor..girls slept there. boys on the other half and munir..on the sofa cause needed to rest his poor ankle above his body..sth like that.
Woke up at 9:30am and went for breakfast. then everyone else but saira, munir and I, went swimming. I took a hot shower in the room while munir and saira watched TV. Then the rest came back around 11 plus.
All showered.
Everyone had a slice of the cake to finish it.
Shaman headed off first, had class chalet. While we waiting for aunty Maria to pick us up, learnt some goggle game mahdi taught us.
Then headed to maricans house for lunch.
Watch movie : 16 blocks. Mahdi left to study.
Slept on and off.
Shankar and musfirah slept like the whole way.
Had dinner around 8:30pm, pizzahut.
Left with oranges aunty maria bought for us. and reached home around 9:10pm.
Enjoyable time, must do it again.

I do, do you?

Another daydecided onTuesday, February 5, 2008 @ 8:18 PM

Hmmm... what did i do today?
Mr Ngoh dam funny today..first he wear long sleeve shirt..super formal..reason we found out later on ; he receiving 'long service award' for teaching! Congrats Mr ngoh! 25 years. rock on.
Secondly, HE BROUGHT SPEAKERS AND A MICROPHONE TO CLASS!!! OMG IT WAS DAM FUNNY WHEN WE FIRST SAW IT... he probably thought this class too noisy already..need speakers but they didnt work properly so had to use his voice. hehe really damn funny sia. me and yunling laugh like crazy.
K then recess..had to help out at mini master of this game called 'balls in holes'. where you get 5 balls to throw into the holes cut out from the box..and the prizes go according to the number of balls in. etc. Syarif manged to get 3 in, which was what he was aiming for to get this 'water game' thingy. Not bad. mr ngoh tried and got only 1 in..try again some other time mr ngoh.
Then litrature dam heng..aslinda never come today..turns out she REALLY has the flu shuwei! so we didnt have to present. well one more week to prepare and im sure we can do it well. zhengwei's group very creative. i like GODWIN'S clouds.. nice story about driving the hroses of the sun in Nissan.
Then got CLB... dont have to go to the 'Speech and Drama' thing which the others had to attend..seemed fun though. did you guys have fun? hah
CLB must write 'zuo wen' which i hate but this one i felt super confident cause firstly: Had helping words with english translation, and secondly the other people really dont know ALOT of simple words. come and ask me and i'll show you what words they dont know.
Tomorrow half day so happy! then go temasek have CURRY RICE . hopefuly the canteen is open. Mr Lee probably wont be there. he cancelled our gathering we intended to have at Eastpoint. Oh well..maybe can go for outing with the rest of the 6g people.
Thinking about Curry rice. Yummy....

Sec2 camp!!decided onSunday, February 3, 2008 @ 10:10 PM

Ok guys. Prepare for a really long post. But its my personal story so if you can't be bothered to read it then don't. Or at least read the camp talks..really interesting the way i tell it... =)
All started on Wednesday when we al larrived in school, bags bulging, exhausted yet excited faces all around. I couldn't wait to go. So we had our usual assembly followed by going back to class to bring everything down to parade square. Then boys were on one side, 2/2, 2/3, 2/B, 2,D and they were seated in rows according to our class. same for the girls but on the other side of parade square.
Then SPOT CHECK. i brought my phone and wanted to hide it but then decided to surrender it because we saw the boys had to EMPTY their bags for spot check. Luckily the girls didnt have to empty our bags. Just that the yeachers searched through it. But i told the teacher i already surrendered my phone so nothing to hide. Yunling hid it though.(tell you consequences later)
After the brief briefing, we got divided into our groups, 2 for each class, according to even and odd index numbers, but since weiaho transferred, all the boys above no. 31 were moved down by one. Then we met our instructor which we later on decided to call "Tor" but pronounced as 'Ter' because we called teachers 'cher'. Her name was Angie, really ecstatic person. did introduction, so aslinda, shuwei, hazel and I decided to switch names. Followed by simple games and after we finished everything, we gathered back in our groups and hopped on the bus, 1 bus for each class.
We sang children songs like "The wheels on the bus go round and round, ABC song, Bingo (and Ognib, so pro ah?), Mary had a little lamb" and , MANY MANY MORE. also sang the school song and almost sang the national anthem, but its a crime to sing it without respect.
CAMP TALK DAY ONE:When we reached, the first batch hadn't left yet. But i think we went to our bunks first. Boys and girls were at different ends of the camp, but class girls and class boys slept together. Bunk was ok lah. hard wooden floor. Then i think had lunch, our groups turn to serve.
Then we changed into our track pants (which i have to buy new ones) and we went to the CRC (high elments course) and my group did about 2 or 3 different stations, but i did 2. One of 'em was climbing up a wooden pillar and do rock climbing sidewards and climb down. Boy, when i got to the top and looked down, i really started to shake. was really high man and the rocks were freaking hot.
Second station was climb up again but not as high and like go along a bridge but every step was not connected to the next one, just a wooden plain with 2 strings at the side. then this bird go on top of me and they had to shake the whole thing to get it just a little further and when i go to being under it again they had to shake it yet another time.
About 6 pm when we finished, went to shower and have dinner. Then gathered at the hall (acutally just under one of the buildings there) and played 'kidnap'. one of our group members was taken away, Godwin unfortunately, and was hidden somewhere around the camp. So we had to do small activities and then guess numbers representing boxes, which suppose to hold the key to unlonk the place Godwin was hidden and unlock his hands which they tied a REAL CHAIN to. So we guessed like 7 times (invludes 7 activities) before we got the first key. then about 2-3 times before we got the second key and then we unlocked Godwin and had to carry him back to the hall.Then i think had sausage roll for supper and headed to bed..actually headed to floor. haha.
Rolled out sleeping bags and i slept on top of my sleeping bag, not inside cause it was super hot. and consequences, mosquito bites all over and in the middle of the night woke up scartching like mad so slept inside my sleeping bag. could hear the stupid mosquitos buzzing around my ear. Woke up like every hour and finally got out at about 5:50 am cause must assemble at 7 am and people were already bathing

DAY TWO:Gathered and had breakfast, beehoon and then went for kayaking whcih was quite fun. Instructor asked yunling and I to demonstrate how to paddle properly. And then we went around the 'keh long' (how to spell? just anyhow whack wan..) then rafted up and front person(me) of everyboat had to stand up and hold hands but radzi couldn't stand, ended up falling to the water. Finished around 1 plus. the showered us with the hose to get all the dirt and salt off. and then we went to shower.
Then had lunch and did absaeling and zip-line (flying fox) WHICH WAS TOTALLY AWESOME! three storeys high! and had to JUMP OFF and glide down!!! was scary but totally awesome!!!!!!!!! highlight of the camp to me!!! done abseiling before so nothing amazing. Then my group practised for our item that night for campfire and decided to dance and sing to "Tarzan and Jane" by Aqua. awesome song. memorized it and everything.
Then we showered and changed to gather at the hall where we received or camp shirts which we were forced to change into. so big. Then CAMPFIRE!
the campfire was totally totally awesome. our group unfortunately got chosen as the first group to perform. but we had so much fun didn't we? everybody only knew the 'oi yoi yo yoi yo yoi yeh" how to spell? anyway they were singing along to that part and we were so happy when it finished and we ended the performance by doing our cheer! was really short our cheer here it is for you guys to enjoy:
SYARIF: "When i say Chuppa, you say Chup! CHUPPA..."
SYARIF: "When i say Chuppa Chuppa you say Chup Chup! CHUPPA CHUPPA..."
(then clench our fists and put it at our mouth ..say mmmmmmmmuacks! and raise our fist into the air like we are sucking a lollipop and showing the whole world)
Then all the ohter groups performed and at the end, each instructor of each group said their feeling about the group they had since day 1..abit touching but like so...ahyoh nvm..
Went to sleep after that aroud 11?? i guess.. sprayed my legs and hands with insect repellent this time and yunling sprayed like the whole bunk with it. Peaceful sleep with NO MOSQUITO BITES the next morning.

DAY THREE: Woke up at 5:50am cause of my watch, realized NOBODY was walking around..couldnt hear anybody in the toilet and enjoyed my sleep so decided to snooze till 6. Woke up at 6 at realized the same things so snoozed till 6:10
Woke up at 6:10 and still realized the same things but decided to wake raudhah, aslinda and yunling up but we enjoyed our sleep SOOOOOO MUCH! and we decided to faster wash up cause nobody or at the max 5 people were awake or in the bathroom.
After washing up and changing, packed our bags and brought everything to the parade square.
Then Had breakfast, NASI LEMAK!
My group had to clean around the high elements course and the low elements course. hardly anything to clean so very lucky..or so i thought.
When we finished we gathered back at the parade square to wait for other groups to finish, then the last groups to arrive were the ones cleaning the toilet and ALL of them were soaking wet!
Then bad news came, one class did'nt clean toilets properly so our class kena clean boys toilet. OMG I TELL YOU IT WAS DISGUSTING!! boys dunno how to flush wan..i tell you the fragrance was heavenly...quote unquote!!!! Stupid guys..can't even childish. it was super disgusting man.
Then when we finished we gathered back and then watched a collage of photos the teachers put together throughout the camp... but was against the wall and sunlight was glaring so could hardly see the faces. When that was done, took group and class photo. One of the candid shots was eating syarif. haha. cant wait to see them.
Then we departed from the camp with sad faces. The instructors were on the same bus back as our class. so we sang lots and lots of nursery rhymes and childish songs again. was so super fun. I think by the end of the year, our class will be super bonded, provided SOME PEOPLE change their thinking and their character and their socialbility. (???)
I loved the cmap so was really well organized and i had so much fun. we did everything that was there to do unlike other camps. I has so so so so so much fun especially in the bunk with my class girls. and the bat. haha!
K i hope to have another camp like this hopefully next year..going overseas? yes im hoping.
Thanks for reading if you did..its finally the end.
Peace out friends.


15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010