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HELLOdecided onSunday, March 30, 2008 @ 9:19 PM

Hello! Sorry one week since i posted. but i've been pretty busy. You know, with STUDYING and all. yea...thats me. hardworking little girl liar.

Lets go day by day? But I'll start from thursday because i cant remember anything before that. =)

Thursday: I was looking forward to that day. Cause we were gonna get the class jerseys!!! yay!!
D&T The freaking teacher again. I seriously wanted to punch his face when he looked as our class as we lined up. The face ah, how to describe? Ahhhh yes. Looked like he saw a girl taking her top off. Yes, in awe. With his jaw almost dropping, looked like he was even going to start drooling! Yes can you imagine? His normal face, with THAT expression. Wouldn't YOU want to punch his face? I'm sure you would if you could see it.
Then we started coulouring our display units with acrylic markers. Shuwei was quite reluctant, but i managed to persuade her. That's how good i am at this kind of things. ;)
Then blablabla.
ENGLISH!!!! Wah..couldnt wait for Mr pan to come to give his money. Be fore we knew it, relief teacher come in. My mind was in a blur cause i wasnt really thinking of the money at that time. I could tell shuwei was. Cause when she saw the relief teacher she said:
Then took me a few seconds to realize how serious it was. You know how F***ing pissed off we were?!?!?! You really want to know? Go to 2/2 Class blog and read the post on 27th March. We were like cursing him the whole way of english. About how he probably purposely missed school so he can ' ask money from his gramma' to pay us.I shan't elaborate. Go and read the post mentioned above. GO NOW.
After school, went to Bedok with yunling, davin and TK to have hawker centre lunch. Where we saw a bucket of raw chiken wings just in the middle of nowhere. How unhygenic. I have a picture. Will TRY MY BEST to post it lahh.Then macs to do maths, where we totally gave up because none of us knew whether we got the correct answer and realized we needed shuwei with us. =)
Then met shuwei at MRT and headed to queensway. Got the jerseys..yay!!! Four bags of it. Told shuwei NOT to give mr pan his jersey until he paid. We couldn't and CAN'T trust him anymore. On the way back, played murderer, in a different way. haha. fun ain't it?

Friday: Yunlign and i went toilet during art, on the way back, saw mr pan walking out of our classroom and demanded for the money. he said after school lah.. so ok! Headed back to class, ask shuwei about talking to pan, she said to him:
"I don't want to give you your jersey until you pay. Can't trust you anymore."
Then she said he walked into the classroom and demanded to see his jersey. Unfortunately, it ended up in Yasmin's hands and she passed it to him. Ugh, not her fault cause she didn't know, but still, that was the only thing that would MAKE him pay his money.
Then recess, met ms chong and we bragged to her about mr pan owing 60 bucks for so many weeks and he hasnt paid. Know what she said?
"Oh you mean the class jersey ah?"
"Oh, he was showing to us. Then we asked him if he paid for it, he said yes."
WTF!!!!!!! he actually have the guts to go and tell them he paid for it when he didnt?!?!?! we were even more pissed off.
Then the fun part.
We all go to his mini staff room and wait for him to come. We told the 'story' to all the teachers that came out. They all said he should be coming down soon. But 20 mins, he still didnt. We were guessing he want to try and escape us. He KNEW we were going to wait for him after school and ALL lessons end at same time on Fridays. So we called out for a teahcer and went into the staff room and took his jersey from the table. HAHA
Then we decided to leave a note saying:
"We have taken your jersey. If you even want to see it again, $60 NOW!!! We are in the canteen. Dont even THINK of running away."
Then wait in the canteen for about 10 mins then he ACTUALLY CAME with $60!!!! AMAZING!! Then i decided to hide his jersey somewhere. and he ws like "dont waste my time lah" DOES HE HAVE A RIGHT TO SAY THAT WHEN HE WASTED OUR TIME FOR THE PAST 2 WEEKS?
Ugh. nvm. He paid. im satisfied. Not happy, satisfied.

Saturday: Went ice sakting with the youth!! haha. dam fun lah. shankar was purposely falling and sliding on his chest on the ice. Got some pro figure skaters practicing also. Very graceful. Then Sheela's party at night. Followed by leaving early to go to musfirah's party. Dam nice to see all of them again. Especially someone. Nice cake, then helped to clean up. Played abit of cards,, and left around 12:30am.

Sunday: Had church. Then lunch at corner shop. This chicken rice seller got into a rage, slamming trays and shouting around. dam scary.
Then watched HORTON. hehe not that bad lahh. quite funny and its not a kiddy show really, cause the majority of people there were adults. Had to snaek in Subway sandwiches. haha. Then in the middle of the show, got sound problem, then no sound for about 2 mins. haha. Then found out later that we got complimentary tickets to watch ANY MOVIE, ANY TIME (at orchard cineleisure lah) because of the technical problem. hehe. cool mann.
Then here i am. My birthday is coming!!! This saturday 5th april celebrating with relatives and maricans. yay!!!! i think indian food for dinner.
Hope my birthday celebration with friends would be successful. Its a surprise guys!!! haha. Can't wait.

Ok, too long my post already. hope to post more often lah.

Oh shuwei, you can get me a labtop.


In love, are you?

Lyricsdecided onSunday, March 23, 2008 @ 5:32 PM

Beautiful lyrics to a beautiful song;

"Stand By Me"
Nothing's impossible
Nothing's unreachable
When I am weary
You make me stronger
This love is beautiful
So unforgettable
I feel no winter cold
When we're together
When we're together
Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go
Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told
When day turns into night
I look into your eyes
I see my future now
All the world and its wonder
This love wont fade away
And through the hardest days
I'll never question us
You are the reason
My only reason
Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go
Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told
I am blessed
To find what I need
In a world loosing hope
You're my only believe
You make things right
Everytime after time
Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go
Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told
[repeat chorus]
Stand by me
No more darling
I want you by my side
I want you hear with me
~ Shayne Ward

UPDATEOFTHEWEEKdecided onFriday, March 21, 2008 @ 9:05 PM

Ok. i made a mistake about posting more often during the holidays.
Well. Lets go topic by topic eh?

Class jerseys, finally made the deposit. hope to get it by the first week of april. Hope everything turns out well.

My maths ranking is 9 out of 39. whcih was really surprising cause i have been doing quite badly. unless he took it from the tests that i managed to do well in. i dunno...
**** got 39th postion which i so didnt expect h** to get. I thought that person was one of the top few. oh well. maths is dam hard anyway.

Canoeing has been great! Haven't canoe-d since last monday during the holidays cause thursday and friday's training was dragon boat. So on Wednesday finally got back into my k2 with Jieyi. AND WE DIDNT CAP THE WHOLE TRAINING!!! yay!!!!!! Now to accomplish it without any water at all. We hardly have any now, but still a LITTLE to comfort us. haha.

I hate DNT and i dont give a DAMN about it now. Mr hafiedz not teaching us anymore. some MR LEE, that irritating guy who presses the irritating recess bell using the stupid loudhaler.
DNT i really didnt know which way to bend my project, cause its a little complicated. Ask for his help, he was like :" I dont know your design, go and figure out yourself."
Like WTH?!?!? You are teahcer, i student. I stupid, ask you question, you stupid, ask me do myself.
What if i bent it wrongly then i messed it up? IT] will be totally YOUR F***ING FAULT!!!
Then i ask for acrylic rod, he look at me with THAT FACE then: "What acrylic rodddd??????" Like as if he want to die (literally).He already gave so many people and now i dunno if he act dumb or he is just stupid, or he sucks as a teacher. Then i ask again the same thing. WITH THE SAME FACE, he reluctantly got for me. Everything do myself!! I mean ok, maybe i should be abit more independant but if i asked him which should i bend first(cause i must bend a few sides to make them join) he should help me a little right? Rather than ask me to figure out myself and increase the risk of messing it up!!!
Can you at least MAKE AN EFFORT to find out what our design is like?
I was damn pissed off at him. Ask Shuwei. I was trying to stop myself from saying vulgarities (and im a person who doesnt use 'em) and punching his face.
If he ever gives me that DAM FACE or that SUCKY ATTITUDE i swear i'll punch that sucker him.
I dont wanna talk about him anymore. Mr hafiedz, please come back!!!! For the sake of passing DNT!!! =(

Yesterday went to macs with yunling. She came to my house first to get myphone and snack there too. little bit of piano teaching to her.
Then when TK called, we headed to macs to meet him, clarence and DELVIN. which was someone's fault for anyhow bringing him in. Then shuwei came after maths olympiad and we decided that we couldnt do our plan which was the whole point of meeting in macs.
Then had a brilliant plan to chase him away:
All of us: "Eh, we go home lah"
Everyone gets up from seats.
TK and Delvin leave already.
Remaining people, sat down at our seats again.
Laugh our ass off.
Call TK : "Remember to U-turn and come back here ah"
TK appear suddenly at macs again.
All of us: "What you say to Delvin?"
TK:"Oh, I say(to delvin):
'Eh i forgot my file, i go back and take, You go home first lah' "
Delvin to TK: " Nevermind, i wait for you"
TK to Delvin: "Oh ok, then you wait for me here."
TK never returned to Delvin.

Yup, smart plan eh? Then shiddiq appeared. So he joined us.
Then SUPER bored, nothing to do, so played Murderer.
Dam fun. Will not elaborate but was super funny. Sat alternately, boygirlboygirl, so it was fair. (next to TK =D )
Then after that 6 plus, then go home.

Other than all these, nothing much left.

Oh, yea... now our class have 'JI KO PA' (spelling???) championships. The ultimate players are:
Me =)
We so rock and we love playing it. Nobody can beat us if team against team man. The elite 5. haha. Its dam fun ok?


I am so gonna learn and memorize Canon In D by Johan Pachelbell.
I am so gonna memorize Für Elise. Am in the process of perfecting it.


Have athletics tomorrow. I WANT HURDLES!!!!

Happy good friday!! Easter day too!!!


I do, do you?

ICE SKATINGdecided onThursday, March 13, 2008 @ 10:43 PM

Ok. today's post will be about Yesterday.
Quite a long post. But read the unlucky encounters i typed in.

Met shuwei,yunling,hazel at 11am at bdk mrt. minjie and davin came a little much later.
First, went to Queenstown, queensway shopping centre to get class jersey. Which we accomplished for $20!! Shall not elaborate on our amazing journey to find the perfect shop and price. Managed to get our own 'logo' at the front of the jersey. Plus individual names and numbers. Cant wait till its done!!!
Had laksa for lunch, in the middle of the shopping centre, which was really good. Convinced hazel to get it which in the end, she loved. =)

When we were finally done, around 1 plus, headed to Kallang leisure park, which we took a cab to, from the MRT because we couldnt find the bus stop that we could take the bus from, and didnt have the patience to wait for the shuttle bus.

Unlucky encounter: Our shoes were wet when walking around the stupid bus stop, trying to find a bus.

Unlucky encounter: Was raining so had to run in the rain abit when we want to get into a cab and when we reached the leisure park.

It was quite a long way, so lucky didnt take bus.
THEN WENT ICE SKATING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!!!!! Was about $16.50 per entry for those who had to buy the stupid gloves. otherwise would have been $13.
Had to rent 2 lockers for our bags and shoes and was quite upset at the fact that you had to insert a $1 coin everytime you wanted to lock the locker.
The skates were pretty cool. Nice blue and black colour. Blades were thicker than i expected. The ice was not as slippery as i thought. Could 'shave' off some ice when i braked sideways. Mainly, i skated the way i rollerblade so was pretty easy.
Taught yunling how to do it...she was quite afraid at first but SLOWLY got used to it. Unlike min jie who was so reluctant to let go of Davin's arm and the side of the rink.

Unlucky enocunter: unfortunately, the stupid skated gave me a damn blister which felt like fire when i rubbed against it. The counter got not even one plaster and i couldnt get anything to stuff in my sock form the locker cause had to put another DAMN $1 COIN TO LOKC IT AGAIN.
So couldnt ice skate at all.

Then one uncle had to smoothen the ice and took the limelight for 15 mins. Then i wanted to feel how the 'new' ice felt so went one PAINFUL round ans stopped.

At the end, could keep the gloves but davin didnt want them so ask the counter lady to keep them, but she say its his now. So he went to the nearest dustbin and threw them away. =)

Then bought donuts cause i was craving like mad. bought box of 6 while yunling happily bought 12.

Then went arcade where we spent loads of money. Played bishi bashi like mad, my favourite arcade game. When game over, we looked around for money and just insert to play another game cause opponents still had games left. went on for quite long. Then Daytona, all 6 of us. I CAUGHT UP AT THE LAST PART AND EMERGER 1ST!! YAY FOR ME!!! HAHAHAHA!!! lol...
Then yunling and har para para. Some gun games then broke already. So went to KFC for a drink.

Unlunky encounter: The cashier filled our drinks up, suddenly dissapeared. Other cashier see our drinks, filled them up to the brim, and put on the counter. Lady come back, see the drinks so full, pour out some and give to us.

Then we headed home.

Unlucky encounter: Waited for the bus 11 to bring us to kallang MRT, 3 number 16's pass by. Wait for half an hour for the dam 11. Hazel super late for her tutiton. So she take cab. When the taxi come, 11 come. but she still take cab with shuwei.

Unlucky encounter: Reach the station, wait for MRT to come. 2 trains from THE OTHER SIDE pass by, still no train. super late already, so decided to take cab. waste 40 cents.

Unlucky encounter: Reach bedok inter, wait with yunling for 222 for 15-20 mins then it came. Walk home faster sia.

Then home sweet home. long post eh? haha thanks for reading.


I do, do you?

Holidays!!decided onSaturday, March 8, 2008 @ 7:50 PM

Yes shuwei and davin, this means i get to post more often. =)
School has been quite ok i guess.
Had piano exam on thurday 6/3/08 and i totally messed it up. My pieces i made a mistake in all of them. Even stopped in the middle of the piece cause i THOUGHT i played it wrongly.
Then scales...OMG. i anyhow did the first part. There was one which i totally didnt know at all G# major, which i didnt memorize cause i focused more on the other parts of scales. And i TOTALLY ANYHOW played it!!! then another scale i made excuse that my fingers were cold and i needed to warm them up ( but actually was to give some time for me to think.) Then the examiner, he said he also was cold and he asked me to take my time to warm 'em up. and he actually went outta the room and asked them to turn off the aircon for a while. haha. so kind eh?
But truly and honestly, my fingers were starting to freeze and get a little numb so i couldnt play my sclaes properly and fluently cause i couldnt feel the key properly. So even though i knew the scales, i didnt pkay the properly. So i think im gonna fail it. shit.
The aural(spelling?!?!) part was ok i guess. other than was totally horrible. ugh. well im glad its over. no more stress. FINALLY!!

Thursday, the 6th, went to macs for 'lunch'. me and yunling only at first, but davin called while we were eating and asked if he, TK and clarence could come. So ok lah. then they joined us, they ate ice cream while yunling kept her half eaten cheese-burger in her bag. ( BIG MISTAKE)
Then was totally akward silence, cause we all didnt know how to start a converstation. so started talking about english lessons. haha.
After a while, Shuwei called and asked if she could join too! After her maths olympiad thingy. So she came. A half packet of curry sauce was waiting on the table for her. WE asked her to drink a little bit of it cause she was a 'new' member of the 'club'. haha. but she firmly refused. smart girl...hehe..

Didnt gossip much. haha. And then yunling dug into her bag for her handphone and found a half eaten burger OUT of its packet. She took the "bun-meat-cheese" part out...followed by the OTHER PART of the bun. seperate from the first. haha. OMG was disgusting.
After awhile, Taowang came in and found us. WE did some 'naughty things'. NOT THAT NAUGHTY IF THATS WHAT YOUR THINKING.
Saw taufiq and shiddiq too. but they didnt join us.
Then we went home around 6.

Yesterday, ALSO went to macs AGAIN!! this time with Shuwei, yunling, TK, davin, taufiq and shiddiq. This time we did do some gossiping. haha. little bit only lah. Didnt go for canoeing. so sad. ITS THE LAST TRAINING BEFROE HOLIDAYS!! but i couldnt help it. girls things. hehe
Had loads and loads of fries. super unhealthy. and i had ice cream. not suppose to eat but i couldnt help it either.oh well.
Then shuwei and yunling had to go for modern dance so left around 3:20pm.

The day for outing has changed to Wednesday!!!! confirm the time later!!! ice skating and movie!!!! anybody else wanna come??? Tk come lah...=) please? hehe...

Today didnt do much. had prata for breakfast...=) and youth in the evening. Pizza for dinner. unhealthy.

Well hope i can go for canoeing on Monday. Have atheletics training befroe that. Mr Wong started already. Hope i can cope. Thursday and friday also have dragon boat training. looking forward to that too!

Sorry that my posts ar always so long but i need to express myself. haha. my choice of what i wanna write ANYWAY. you have a choice to read it so...

k im done!! cant wait for Wednesday!! And tuesday with Saira!!!! =)


decided onSunday, March 2, 2008 @ 9:40 PM

Omg im finally here.
Well i have been super dam busy. sorry shuwei davin and hazel. i know you guys have been waiting for me to update.
So here i am.
Well Sports day was great. had so much fun.

Suppose to meet Aslinda and Yunling andf 6:30am at Bedok Interchange but, as i expected, Yunling came at 6:50am and Aslinda at 6:55am. Honestly, i must say i cannot stand it when people are late. It is kinda mean to make people wait for you when you are the one who say meet at a certain time. Must be courteous too and think of others. Sorry but this is what i feel.

100m i got 3rd, actually suppose to be 2nd but this girl had louzy start but good acceleration. My start dam good i thought i leading 2nd, but she caught up. not bad i must say. Anis got 1st..some crazy girl. think must test her for steroids cause she took part in 100m, 400m, 4x100m relay and CCA relay and still run dam fast.

Relay for me was dam stupid. was drizzling and they go and ask us to stand at the track in our respective positions. Then started raining and the other team members still didnt get to their positions yet. Then when we were ready (still raining) they had the cheer competition so we all stand there like idiots.
Started to push all the water on each of our lanes to Anis lane so she can slip and fall, and it was already going to that side of the track. Played with water.
Started to freeze, shiver.
Felt like idiots.
Started crapping.
And freezing.
Then when the cheer competitions about to end, they call us go stand in the shelter. 2 minutes later, they ask us go back on the track cause the competition ended. dam stupid sia.

Then race started Mingyi ran dam fast, much faster then i expected. well done! =)
then i screamed lindsay's name, she passed me the baton and i ran.
Ran like the world gonna end already. Felt dam nice running in the rain . Felt like i was running really fast too. Was awesome!
In the end got 3rd. Quite proud cause Ruby expected to win anyway.

Parent-teacher race dam funny. heard one teacher fell cause slippery. Mr LIm Wee Keong run till super funny. haha.

CCA was horrible. Soccer boys won and Cohen did some girly run at the end when he saw how far he was leading. Canoeing got last but we were the only CCA who went to cheer at the long jump pit. I think Sheau Jing didnt know how to sprint. She is a dam good runner at long distance but i guess sprinting is not her thing. oh well. maybe better choices next year. like me! haha AS IF!!!

Thats about it. had piano after, and my exam is this THURSDAY and i havent memorized scales. im so gonna die. shit.

Well, have canoeing tommorrow. im still kinda sick of blocked nose and phlegm in my throat but no fever. and i still go and eat stupid things like chips and ice cream. hayoh. But i cant help it. ITs my weakness.

After my piano exam i am gonna be so relieved. i have so much stress now.

Cant wait till march holidays. Outings and relaxation. hopefully no homework, which is impossible. ICE SKATING AND MOVIE!!! with 2/2. Class jersey is coming ..cant wait!

I bought a new sweater-shirt kind of thing. its so cool. love it!

Please see my movie list and bring me out.

I dont know how long till the next post comes so...=)


Looking into my eyes and talking to me felt great
I do, do you?


15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010