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NARNIAdecided onFriday, May 30, 2008 @ 3:01 PM

Shall blog about yesterday.

In the morning had piano. Have so many songs i wanna learn but im just too louzy to do it.

Anyway, after that went to Jurong east with rachel and derek together with my bro and mum. Had a blast there. Very empty so no queues on the slide. So that was great.
Played catching around the lazy pool. And lots of silly games in the wave pool with the tubes. Stacked derek with tubes in the wave pool. He ended up falling on his side and rolled around in the water IN THE TUBES. omg, it was hilarious.
Lifeguard was dam irritating. Couldnt do alot of things. Couldnt stand on the tube, couldnt sit on someone's shoulders, couldnt go down the slide even though the first person would have reached the bottom by the time we got in the slide. oh mann. kept whistling at everyone.
Singapore rules in swimming pools sucks.

Ok then ended around 3.30pm.

Headed home to bathe and all.

Then headed to shaw centre to watch NARNIA!!!

Met sheela there. Got like 2 giant buckets of popcorn, gosh and it was medium size. crazy sia. I ate like 3/4 of the bucket cause rachel stop eating halfway through the movie. Sheela brought lollipops for us.

Narnia was not very good. It wasnt as exciting as the first one. Mainly focused on the war. The kids grew up. haha. And some parts were really funny. The little mouse who everyone was surprised when he wanted to fight against them. hehe. go watch it. =)
Had pepper lunch for dinner. yummy!

Then on the way back, on the train, derek was making fun of the mrt announcer person. He kept saying 'mind the gap' to us. The he kept saying that Bugis could be pronounced as 'boogers'(yuck!). So when the announcer person said "Please mind the gap. Bugis." He would go "Please mind the gap, boogers." HAHA. hilarious! You must be there then you would really find it funny.
Went to bedok to look for derek's paus. haha. Saw a shop that said "Tiong Bahru Paus" But is was closed. haha. what do you expect? It was like in the middle of the night!!!

Then reached home, played a couple games of Scum.. Must teach all of you their games. Yvonne was there too, so played with her.
Oh yea, a couple of days ago, played nerts with 6 peopls. gosh it was dam scary and violent. haha.
Then yvonne went back and we played Egyptian ratscrew? i dont know but thats how it's pronounced.

Played till around 12, then went to sleep.

Ok thats all, training today was land, and quite boring. Suyppose to be a canoeing camp coming up, 1 day, 2 times. 9th and 16th June. Definitely gonna be tiring.

Thats all. Going to Kota tinggi on sunday!!!! followed by council camp. =(

Oh yea, i realised that prince caspian in narnia is dam hot, or cute should i say. And when he kissed susan, i wanted to close my eyes cause i totally envyed her. a little jealous too. gosh. Oh mann he's cute and hot.

Such heroic looks =)


So jealous of her. gosh. ugh!!! She's so lucky. =(

Isn't he just lovely? =)


Can't wait to see your face again.

ARCHULETAdecided onTuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 12:09 PM

David Archuleta totally deserved to win.
He's my idol.
And I don't just adore his singing.

QUIZdecided onSunday, May 25, 2008 @ 2:41 PM


A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

Tagged by: JIEYI

If your Lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
Ans: I would text him and simply type: "we're over." And not reply to any of his messages after that.

If you can have a Dream to come true, what would it be?
Ans: For the world to be in peace and in no danger whatsoever.

What will your dream wedding to be like?
Ans: A big function room. With alot of tables watching the altar. Piano being played live in the background. And for it to be perfect. =)

What word do you use most?
Ans: What?

What would you do with a billion dollars?
Ans: A billion? hmm. Donate an eigth to charity and splurge the rest. =)

Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Ans: Being loved by someone.

How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Ans: As i intend, before im 30. =)

If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
Ans: Continue to like him and hope that he'll break and notice me. =)

Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
Ans: Yes. Alot has made me unhappy.

What's your ideal lover like?
Ans: Handsome, fit, loving, good job and no singaporean accent.

How do you see yourself in ten years time?
Ans: Hopefully, a doctor.

Who are currently most important people to you?
Ans: God(if he was a person), friends and especially Yunling.

What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Ans: My dear partner (in canoeing), cheerful and faithful to the lord.

Would you rather to be a single & rich or married but poor?
Ans: Single & rich. But does having a boyfriend count? =)

What's the first thing you do every morning?
Ans: Snooze for another minute or 2.

Would you give all in a relationship?
Ans: Yes, I don't believe in unfaithfulness.

If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Ans: I won't. No questions asked.

Do you have a pet?
Ans: Yes, a dog and about 10 fishes.

What type of friends do you dislike?
Ans: Those who fake their life and think they're 'all that'.

Name something weird and extraordinary about you.
Ans: Weird: I go to sushi places only to eat the cucumber one, and the fish eggs one. that's all.
Extraordinary: I understand people. Though many people think nobody understands them, i know (secretly in my head) what they're thinking. But i don't tell them i know. People to do the quiz; ( i don't care about the number 8)

Everybody else has done it.

Holidays!decided onSaturday, May 24, 2008 @ 11:40 AM


well, post exam activities have been crappy.
'Fun with maths and science day' (who the hell comes up with all these names???)
'Fun experience at Sungei Buloh Wetland reserve' (and here you are again...)
'Financial Literacy course'
'Bukit Chandu and Labrodor Park'

Wow. so fun. crap lah...

The Financial literacy course is over. However, he hasnt been teaching us correct thi9ngs. He teaches us how to mange our money, and motivates us yes. But here are some things he said that aren't really suitable to teach us:

"Money is Everything"
"In the end, all you need is money"
"Be Money-minded"
And worst of all,
"If you meet poor people who don't want to have money, don't hang out with them. But imagine if you meet a gangster who wants money...." You'll know what he says next right?

I mean, people like that should not be allowed to teach students. What if people really practise what he preaches? Then poor people who aren't greedy will not have friends! That's wrong right? Gosh, yunling and i were horrified when we were listening to his 'Morals'.

Anyway, fun with maths and science day was crap.
My group was with ;
Yunling =)
Syarif =)
Faridah, Arvind, Radzi and Dennis. =(
Can you imagine what i had gone through? Yunling and i were exchanging expressions the whole way. haha.

Sungei buloh is on monday. ohh man. Heard that theres loads of mosquitoes. And after that, must go to class and decorate!!!! so stupid cause SOMEBODY's parent go and complain that SHE is doing all the work when SHE is the one who volunteer to do everything and even do some things without our knowledge. Then we get scolding for that. Freaking crap man. So must decorate the class by the end of the hols if not get zero for our CIP hours. Ugh...

Then tuesday have English oral, after oral, BOWLING!!!!! hopefully with Yunling, shuwei, syarif, davin and king. maybe minjie too. yay!!!

Then from then on, Mon,Wed and Fri have canoeing trainings from 8:30am to 12:30pm.*sigh* But comp is coming so have to work hard!! Jieyi and i are really working hard now. Even beating "Double N's". haha. only canoeists will know what that stands for.

Have 'Junior Councillor selection Camp' coming up from 3rd to 5th june. But i am one of the leaders so for me, its 2nd to 5th June. But trying to get excuse to get out of camp on 4th june, after lunch, to send my cousin off. Dont know when I'll see her again. (actually in December i will, but i want to send her off!) Then come back and night cause afternoon i get out to spend some time with her and her husband, Derek. And once their off, I'll get back to camp but they are having the night walk that night and i dont know when they leave or when they get back. I sure dont want to reach school and find nobody there, not knowing when they come back. haha.

Rachel and Derek are coming back later on! from Phuket. Actually supposed to come back on Tuesday, but they decided not to go to malaysia, cause its like 22hours bus ride. So weird right? From S'pore to malaysia i 14hours, but from thailand to m'sia is 22hours. haha. So yay!!

They are really great. Derek is super funny, we bond really well. They are such a humorous couple. And they taught us many card games like Nerts and Scum. I can teach you all one day if you like and if you can pay attention. hehe..

I got my new wallet!! up to someobdy's standard. haha.okok, joking lah( this is to somebody)

Got my watch also. Exact same one but i like that one so...yeap.

Superhero movie, thanks to Davin, has been watched. Ain't that great. Scary movie is so much better.

And my report book results, I LOVE.
7th in class, improvement from 11th in class.
Then 19th among the level, improvemonet from 44th.
Aggregate score of L1R4 is 9.
Aggregate score of L1R5 is 12. Can go JC!!!!
Yes!! keep it up shona!!! =)

Lots of fun sdruing the holidays to be accomplished!! Adn the To-do-list done by yuling, shuwei and i too! Stupid e-learning has homework inside.

Well, toodles! have fun during the holidays!!


I miss you so much, do you?

Crossed Fingersdecided onTuesday, May 13, 2008 @ 9:27 PM


dont really know why i typed that...but YAY!

i guess cause i dont really give a dam about school anymore. and i dont have to. so YAY!!

Results, so far im quite happy with 'em. Except for literature which i scored CRAP for. ahh, everybody did. Highest is like 64/80. And arvind got it. ugh.. dammit i could have scored so much better.
See Shona, thats for not studying properly. You deserve it.

Yea i do. =(

WELL, happy that i got a B for maths!!! i really thought i would get a borderline pass or fail. Loads of people failed. i was dam scared but, i studied and practised. You reap what you sow.

AND happy for my GEOGRAPHY!!!!!!!! which i got 81%!!!!! yay!!! one of the highest in class. i really studied. And for me, its super easy to get the marks. I want geog as my elect subject next year.

CONTENED with English, A2, could have gotten an A1 mann, but i guess nowadays, im hanging out with people like YL, who speaks HORRIGIBLE average english.

HAPPY with Science cause i got an A2. Teacher said that IF YOU WANT TO TAKE TRIPLE SCIENCE NEXT YEAR, GET AT LEAST 60%. and i got A2!!!!! yay!! happy i am.

HAPPY with CLB marks. i got 70%. friend said i got the highest in my class. DOUBLE YAY!!! first time sia. wow, i rock. haha...=)

Well, tommorrow will get History and Art, hopefully i dont fail history, and hopefully, an A for Art. I dont freaking care if its a low pass for history. i just dont want to fail.

We are doing something for the class. A secret project by Yunling, Shuwei and I. By the time you guys read this, the surprise would have probably been introduced long ago. Cause i guesss everyone's given up on reading by blog due to my lack of posts for the last million years. Oh well, be grateful you guys. We did this for you and spent money on it.

Hopefully SOME PEOPLE appreciate what we do for them. And not give a stupid black face which obviously means "I didn't ask for this." At least we did something thoughtful. I dont see YOU coming up with ideas to bring the class closer together or to make bonding more exciting. All we ask is for YOU PEOPLE to show some appreciation. Can you do that? We really hope YOU GUYS cooperate, cause were doing this for you. We took initiative. Please? =)

Canoeing tommorrow!! water training!!! hopefully coach would not give us a sudden announcement that he's not free. OR GO JAPAN. haha. Jieyi, we're back! Work really hard to get a medal we promised our seniors and ourselves.

Crossing fingers for History and Art.


My fingers are crossed for you, are yours for me?

FREEDOMdecided onFriday, May 9, 2008 @ 11:57 AM

wow. its been how many million years since ive last posted.
This is due to the freaking exams ive been having.
BUT ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha. shant elaborate about the levels of difficulty for exams and all my past 'adventures' ive been having.
I'll start from yesterday.

Yesterday had art exam. Managed to finish it in time, with about 15 mins to spare. Touched up, i bet thats what everyone did, and waited for the time to be up. I was QUITE proud of it lah. Last minute did S3. Which was suppose to be done before the exam. but i still had spare time so no loss for me!!! yunling was kind of Chionging. Cause she only halfway did S2. Well it turned out ok in the end.
She was quite happy with it.

Mr mohammed made announcement that he saw alot of people doing their prep work during exam time. Scolded us that we should have finished it way before the exam.


THEN, after exam, went home with yunling. Used com for awhile then went off to meet shuwei in school. WAs raining at that time so changed to my new black shoes(they are really hard and pointed. dont like em. but no choice cause my current shoes have a hole at the bottom and occasionally water will be felt at my heel.). No school laces so i didnt want to go into the schoool. Felt bad for asking Davin. king and shuwei to meet yunling and i at the back gate (when it wasnt even open) when they were all in the school canteen. Sorry guys.

Then shuwei and they all were with minjie and hazel so they also joined in the plans to go HIDEOUT CAFE!!!!!! At first was only shuwei, daving, king, syarif, yunling and i. But hazel and minjie soon joined in.
Davin said he had to go just before 2pm when the cafe OPENS at 2pm. Said his mother suddenly tell him they going overseas. Like walau!! i mean. its like a hobby for him. haha.

Then went bubble tea while waiting for Syarif. Stand there and drink and stoned there like idiots. Waiting for syarif. Then syarif say he meet us at the busstop. So we went there to wait.
Went there only to stone again. So decided to take a walk to hideout to see if it was open when it was only 1.20 or 1.30 pm. nothing better for us to do anyway. Then stone there at hideout. Like despos waiting for the thing to open.

Then met my dad, gave me my wallet with the membership card inside.

Syarif came around 2.10. I dont know what the hell took him so long but he finally came.

Played only a few games but had loads of fun.

Yunling left just before 5, sad. And hazel left just after 6.

Then 5 of us play untill siao. The dinosaur bone game. haha. must play THAT again. Stopped around 6.40. Altogether only $32. SUPER CHEAP RIGHT??? includes 7of us, four hours for 6 of us, basket of tidbits, fries and free flow of drinks for 1 buck each. Totally the best way to spend your time. But how they earn money sia. The whole time we were there only one other small group of girls came. If we didnt stay there or didnt even come, imgaine how lonely the lady would be. Sad.

Well, we left with BIG smiles on our faces.

Today. e-leaing. i shant elaborate. Summing up, english was stupid. History, asked my dad for ALL the answers, maths anyhow choose, science learnt a little, Art,yes i did art, see the pictures only. And SEC 2'S DONT NEED TO DO INTERNET SEARCH ENGINE. so great.

Going for haircut later.

Monday, not sure whether have canoeing. Well back t0 my athletics and canoeing again. Only bad part. Not that i despise it, just that i love the free time i now have.
Going back to school with a smile upon my face. Knowing that i wont feel guilty not listening to teacher.

Thanks for reading the whole thing, for those who did. I know many of you dread it. But i love writing.

We're free.

I miss you so, do you?


15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010