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BOREDOMdecided onTuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 9:26 PM

Sorry, but i'm not gonna post about the council camp. It's too long. But, summing up a few of the stupid things we did:

So yup. Imagine how luxurious it was.

Ok. Now about today i guess. Nothing much happened. Piano in the morning. Then went shopping at vivocity with shaman,shankar, my mum and i. Because shankar had these Adidas vouchers worth $60 so he wanted to spend it. Ended up not finding anything to buy so we just bought a bag that everyone could use when going for camp, overseas etc. Still have $10 voucher leftover.

Then went for lunch at Marché. It was awesome! The concept of the place was really cool. It was like a buffet, but they had so many things. There's no ala carté, so we had to walk around like as if it was a buffet. Then they give you a card and whenever you pick something, they will ask for your card and the amount will be added and added, corresponding with the things you buy, and when you pay, they just ask for your card and the aount will be shown. It's really awesome. But its kinda expensive. But it was relatively cheap, considering that it was a restaurant. The chocolate moose was REALLY AWESOME. It was heavenly, seriously. Then i put lemon juice on my hair, because my cousin highlighted her hair with this lemon juice spray(with minimal chemicals) and her hair turned brown. So i wanted to put some and go out in the sun to do it. But now, its not much difference. maybe i need the spray.

Then went to look for a skirt cause of Cambodia reasons. Im leaving for cambodia on thursday and coming back on the 16th, which is a Monday. Apparently in cambodia, girls should avoid wearing shorts or skirts that are above the knees. And everybody should try to avoid wearing bright colours cause if means that you are rich. And cambodia ain't that rich. SO i got a white skirt just below my knees. Quite nice. =)

OH YEA!! JIEYI, NELLIE AND NATALIE!!! I went into Fila today and saw the brown vaizers(that how you spell it?) anyway its the caps with no top. You know, like the one the tennis players wear. saw brown and pink!!!! Maybe we go one day? But at cineleisure i saw really nice ones that were relatively cheap and had dark blue, pink and white. At World Of Sports. We should get those. =)

Just now went to the clinic to get 'medical examination' for OBS. So far nothing wrong with me. Lost 1kg!!! yay! I'm fit to go!!!! yay!!!

Oh yea. And Kungfu Panda was great! It was dam funny i tell you. And there's something at the end of the credtis, but nothing much. If you miss it its no big deal. REALLY.

I finally did the Science Quizzes just now. Thats the START of my homework. That's how freaking busy i am. I want to finish maths soon.

Ok, anybody want to do the class back notice board? Set the date!!!

Canoeing competition in 3 weeks. Jieyi and I have made a giant improvement after rowing with the seniors. 20 secs improvement! yay! keep it up Jieyi! Let's hope we get into the finals! And hazel, keep working at it. Make us proud of the only k1 we've got. =)

I'm tired. Swimming? Shuwei? Yunling?


I wish you were right next to me every moment.

KOTA TINGGIdecided onFriday, June 6, 2008 @ 4:53 PM


I've come to post about the council camp i just came back from yesterday.

It is supposed to be from the 3rd to 5th June. But the leaders had to come a day before that, the 2nd, to test out what we planned and to ensure that everything would run smoothly.

However, i do have something to post about JUST before i went to council camp, so I'll post about the camp on the next post right after this. It was a short holiday to Kota Tinggi!!! Together with Racehl and Derek too!

We left on the 1st at around 6:30am. Slept till the immigrations and passed through it, then slept again. Stopped for breakfast at one of the rest stops and i had nasi lemak worth 1RM. super cheap lah. Thats like 50 cents here in singapore. But only had rice, fish, chilli and ikan bilis. Then went to the toilet and headed off again.

Slept some more and put my legs up on the seat diagonlly to me, so shaman's legs were in the middle of the passenger and driver's seat. Shankar was curled up. Rachel was sleeping at the back, on both seats with her legs on the side. Derek was sleeping on the floor at the back with his legs ON the window. haha. dam funny lah.

Halfway through the journey, we wanted to play cards. So, with difficulty, we put down all the seats so we could put the cards down. We played bluff first. Or as others may call it; Cheat, lie, bullshit. haha.

Played for quite a while then we stopped at Melaka and walked around this small market meants for tourists. Bought a whistling thingy which totally sound like a bird when you blow into it. And some keychains for my friends and friendship bands!!!! Finally been looking for some and got 6 for a really cheap price. Then went walking around a church, i think, that was built in like the 18th or 19th century. Walls were SUPER thick. There was a wishing well with no water. And a fence thingy covering the whole well with a specific place which could fit coins, but i guess many people didnt see it cause alot of the coins missed the actual well. Then there was this guy who was singing with a guitar, voice wasnt that bad. Just outside there was this guy personalizing keychains for people using calligraphya handwriting! and he did it so fast. By the way, we had to climb steep steps to get up.

And then walked down some more steep steps to go down for lunch. Saw some people who did paintings so beautifully. Then walkedaroundfood maarket which happened to be around rom 30th may to 1st June. Sold lots of cheep stuff. Saw lots of trishwswit loud music too. Then went back to the car to carry on with our game.

Played for awhile more then switched to playing Scum. I started of as the third rank and slowly demoted to scum. Derek was the president. Then kept rotating between the last three places but then sudddenyl promoted to the 2nd rank after being the 3rd rank. Derek also demoted as i promoted. Shaman became the president for quite a long while Then i managed to become president. yay!! I rule at that lah.. haha. Played some more then switched to playing liverpool rummy. Played about 5 out pf 7 hands then we reached our resort.

Was so excited when we reached. First thing i did was visit the bird at the lobby. Was very quite at that time. Then we got our bags and settled into our 2 storey cabin. By the time we reached and settled was about 5 plus so we didnt swim. Played table-tennis for awhile and then headed bacvk to the cabin to play liverpool rummy, our 6th hand. Didn't manage to finish it yet, so left it halfway played and had dinner, STEAMBOAT!! however, there were some unwanted guests, FLIES. so many that i had to get a dropped-on-the-table mushroom with some uncooked meat on it to draw the flies away by putting it at the far end of the table. Steamboat was really good. Finished dinner with some pears and threw the core at the field/river/trees that were across the balcony of the eating area. Aimed for stupis little things and ate the pear just ot throw it. hah. really fun.

Then after dinner went to the fireflies place. Took a boat out on the river thingy and deep inside there were fireplies!! It looked like a christmas tree. So beautiful. Could guess that some hongkong/china/japan people were sharing the same boat as us. Stupidly took pictures WITH FLASH of the the fireplies, i mean hello!?!?! with the lfash you cant see anything!!! Ugh.
Fortunately our driver, uunlike the last time, drove the boat right next to the trees to let us try and catch the fireflies. WE managed to get some you know!!! Derek just grabbed a few and threw them into the boat. The fireflies flew quite slowly so you could catch them. I caught one at a time and peeped at them in my hand. Cupped my two palms together and let them fly inside. So nice to finally catch and see them up close. The driver was right in front of me so he shone a torchlight at it so we could see wat the actualy bug looked like.

Managed to catch a few, one at a time, and at the end, the driver said we could catch some and bring home, but i think they deserve their freedom. However, the chinese-speaking people caught some and out them into plastic bottles. I hope they dont abuse them and i hope they dont die.

After the trip, which lasted around half an our to 45 minutes, we took a van back to our resort and took turns to take a shower. Played taboo as we were taking turns and after all of us were done, we carried on with our 6th hand of liverpool rummy. Once we finished, i think w headed to sleep. That was around 11 plus.
In my sleep i could hear the screwed up rooster crowing at such odd times as 4am, 5am,6am and so on. We were right next to the enclosure of the chickens and roosters so we could hear it loud and clear at EVERY hour. Gosh it was so irritating. haha.

Had breakfast, toast,eggs,sausage and half a tofu. Had other things like mee goreng but i wanted a western breakfast. Then i rushed them to go to the waterfall cause of our limited time. The water was really freezing cold. Took like 15 mins to get in. Needed to constantly swim around to prevent from getting cold. Then got tubes and we went on the slides. Derek really enjoyed himself also because he said the water temperature was just right for him. MADNESS!!!
Then swam for quite abit and rested for awhile by taking a walk up to the higher part of the waterfall. Took some pictures and then carried on swimming. Went on the slides some more and finished around 12 plus. Then, sadly, headed back to the resort.
Each took a shower and then left asap. The goose was in the middle of the carpark happily protecting his territory.

Didnt play anymore card games. Stopped at melaka shopping mall to have lunch. Halfway through, my mum got a call from ms liza asking why i didnt turn up for council camp. UGH!!! Was so freaking angry. My mum said we were rushing back from malaysia and hung up. Shaman had some nicely decorated waffle ice cream on a plate while derek had some in a cup.
On the way back, the immigrations had a stupid jam which my mum got so fed up about because only our lane was jammed while the others was moving so fast. She got out of the car and walked ahead to see what was the problem. Don't want to talk about it but we solved it soon enough. Begged my parents to allow me to stay home from the camp cause was afraiad of getting an extreme scolding for not telling the teachers i would be late for the camp.

Reached home and packed everything and left for camp, reluctantly.

Well that was Kota tinggi. If you love the outdoors, i suggest you go there one day. It's totally AWESOME.

Above is my post for the dreaded council selection camp.


So many things remind me of you


15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010