Hey guys. I know its pretty late. But this is the only chance i had to upload all the pictures cause only one com in the house had the pictures. And it had to be my bro's laptop. haha So here it is. Life in Cambodia. Enjoy. =)
Youth mission trip to Cambodia.
12th-16th July 2008
Comfort star hotel, room 101. Bunked in with DQ.

This is the Killing fields. Where the majority of the time of the Pol Pot regime was carried out. An evil period of time carried out by an evil man.

These are the skulls of the people who died during the Pol Pot regime. He killed people who showed any evidence of education, in fear of being overthrowned. He even killed people who wore spectacles. Children too. =(

This is the mass grave in which they throw, apparently, 450 people inside and shoot them to death and leave their bodies lying there, Luckily, as you can see, there is water covering the ground, otherwise we would have been able to see bones.

This was the genocide museum, once a school. But then used as a torturing place. Pol Pot regime again. All the torture things used were let there, as you can see below.
This is where they chain people's ankles to and beat them.

You can see what they do to them. =(
And this is the torture tool for the above picture.
Ok here is dam disgusting. You know those schools with monkey bars, chin up bars and stuff. Yea, but you know those wooden things with the rope hanging down? Yea, that's that, but without the ropes. Instead of having fun swinging, they hang the victim upside down till that person loses consciousness and then dip their heads into that big pot of dirty, stinky, smelly, disgusting drain water till they wake up and then hang them upside down again and repeat it till they die. =( =( =(
Torture tools used to beat the victims.

Yup, the mother's watch their own child get beaten to death.

Some of the kids we saw outside the killing fields

(That picture is the King's mother by the way)

You know in Clay marble, the Tonle Sap, yup, that's it! cool right?
Shopping at TTP, in english it's called the Russian market. SUPER CHEAP stuff i tell you.
Here is a village, and this building is where the kids gather for fun. Sang to them, and gave them biscuits(below). NOT an orphanage. =)