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BATMANdecided onMonday, July 21, 2008 @ 3:26 PM

Saw batman yesterday with Sheela, Saira ans Shankar at Vivo and it was AWESOME!!!! the effects were totally awesome and i think it's one of the coolest and nicest movies ive watched for a long time.

However, if some of you didn't know, Heath Ledger(Joker) committed suicide just after making this movie. Some say its because of the movie, and his chracter. So in the first part of the credits they put in memory of him. But he was REALLY EXTREMELY good as Joker. His speaking was really smooth and he would lick his lips and pause after every few was really cool.

And batman was quite good looking i must say. But you must see the movie to know how he really looked like. Here, he looks pretty old. And the voice in disguise was really low when he was batman.

It's a must watch movie, but its like APPROXIMATELY 2 hours and 40 mins and a SINGAPOREAN movie critic said it was too long. But it's really not!! The time passed really fast because the flow was great and the plot was there the whole time. NO BORING TALKING PARTS. And there's nothing after the credits. It's a highly reccommended(by me) movie and you MUST WATCH IT. However, you kind of need to have a batman background knowledge to fully understand the movie.

And i think there's gonna be another one coming out because Two-face(another batman villain) was 'created' in the 'Dark Knight'. So im pretty sure they're gonna continue the sequel.

Yep, so watch it aiite?

Met Sheena and Shaman for dinner at this french place called 'Fre(n)sh'. It's really spelt like that, only without the open and closed inverted commas. It was quite good. =)
Then went to supermarket and i bought butter cookies!! You know those old fashioned kind with the round tin and got sugar coated ones and all. it was yummy!!!

Found out that Sheela actually talked to Paul about getting engaged and its SO exciting!!! But they have complaications because they both are going overseas to study and wont be seeing much of each other.

Well. School's a bore and without canoeing, i have nothing to do at home!!!! I've been wanting to go to the gym but haven't got the time and nobody wants to go with me. I don't mind going alone but i have no idea where it is. So somebody, anybody, wanna go?

I scored 19/20 for maths common test!!!!!!!! YAY!!! And i would have gotten full marks if i had SIMPLY, SHONA, SIMPLY labelled the graph. I told myself when i got the previous test results not too make such a stupid mistake cause i lost around 3 marks in the previous test. There was only 1 person who got full marks but I would have made it 2!!! So stupid right?

Weijia was finishing her english compo but she was lucky she didn't have to hand it up beause she was out of class. But she left it on the tabl;e and Syarif totally wrote her story for her and put loads of crap in it. Dam funny, i tell you.

Well, Off to do nothing. I'm so bored.

i REALLY miss you.

SEMI'Sdecided onThursday, July 10, 2008 @ 2:52 PM

Ok great.
Today was the semi-finals for all events for the national competition. Out of Joan, Jiaying, Darwita and Saffa(500m AND 1000m), only Saffa made it to the finals. So yup. Only Saffa 100m k1 and k4 are in the finals.

Mrs choo didnt allow the C division to go tomorrow so that sucks. Again, the replaying of my race gets into my mind on how i COULD have made it to the finals if i just pushed A BIT more harder. Then the C divsion would have been able to go tomorrow. Sorry guys. =(

I hope Saffa gets any of the top three positions, and hopefully the k4 too.

This year sucked. So many of us got 4th position, just missing the cut to get into finals or semi's. And even worse, NONE of the C divison made it past the heats. This really sucks. I really seriously wished i would have pushed harder, i know i've said this many times but i really keep replaying the race in my head. And keep blaming myself that i should have given more than 100%.

Ugh, well, i WILL work hard for next year, i really hope we get into the finals and hopefully, C divison will work hard too, because we are automatically promoted to B divison now. What will the C div do? Hopefully next year's batch would have more in numbers and effort put in.

Nellie, Natalie, Jieyi and I are gonna work for k4 right? hehe...


I want to see your face

COMPETITIONdecided onWednesday, July 9, 2008 @ 8:06 PM

Im freaking pissed.

Today was my k2 500m race. My dear partner Jieyi was present. thank God. haha

We warmed up, reported, got our number tag for the boat, and headed for the starting line. The stupid starteR take so long to start. We were in lane 3. He was like "lane 1 hold, lane 2 hold, lane 4 hold, lane 5 hold, lane 3 move forward. lane 5 move backward, lane 1 move backward, lane 3 hold, move back!" etc. So we took super long to start, and when we did, would you believe it, we were third for about 250m. Crescent was leading the whole way but i couldnt be bothered because all i needed was to get at least the third position to qualify for finals.

Temasek was next to us, in second position but yet again, we couldnt be bothered. *CERTAIN SCHOOL* was far behind so we were damn glad that we beat them. Gan eng seng was about 3-5 metres behind us. And i had hope.

Unfortunately, around the 250m mark, they started to catch up, so i tried to maintain our speed. But around the 350m mark, they were ahead of us but half a metre. THEN i pushed dam hard, with all my might and shouted at jieyi to push too, and we were like neck to keck with them and we could hear the crowd rooting for us to see who would get into the finals. But at the last 100m, which i totally gave my all, i think, they caught up and won us by like 15cm.


My arms felt like they were going to fall off cause I was really extremely tired. Which probably meant that i DID give my all. Anyway, started tearing right after, how could i have not? I mean, like the whole team, especially coach, probabaly depended on us, and we were in third place, about to make it to the finals, but we didn't. Felt like shit after that. Grabbed a granola bar as pity food to calm me down. Jieyi saw me sobbing to myself and offered me a tissue but she started sobbing too.

Gosh, and Nellie and Natalie got 4th place too, but they protested that TMS got their paddles into their lane, which they did, and that made them swerve the boat to avoid TMS and then lose control of the boat, and in the end getting 4th position. But the protest didnt work because according to the decider person, "It didn't affect your boat" even though they replayed the tape. Like wth mann. I mean, no offence n&n, but last year you guys got DQ cause your paddles went ON THE LINE. And now these people give all these crap reasons. UGH.

So in the end, majority of the team got 4th position and only Joan, Darwita, Saffa(2 events), and Jiaying made it into the semi's or finals. None, i repeat, NONE of the C division got past the heats. And Mrs choo got angry that we were doing so badly that she told us that if only these few people made it into the finals, she wouldn't let us go tommorrow, the 10th, to watch the semi's cause she saw no point. So luckily, joan and jiaying made it past the heats and we got the news that we were allowed to go. =

So now you know why i feel like crap? Because we COULD have made it into the finals if we pushed just a BIT more harder( i don't blame anything on you jieyi). I keep replaying the race in my mind so many times, telling myself i should have pushed a bit more harder, just a bit more, at the point where they started to catch up, or the last 100m, even thought i KNOW i gave my all. Jieyi and i are so dam pissed. But i also have to congratulate them for beating us. sportsmanship. =)

But i am happy that we beat *A CERTAIN SCHOOL* because they talk crap about us but in the end, they are the ones who lose. in your face. hehe....

Well, I'll try to post more pictures on Cambodia ASAP aiite?


CAMBODIAdecided onSunday, July 6, 2008 @ 11:10 PM

Hey guys. I know its pretty late. But this is the only chance i had to upload all the pictures cause only one com in the house had the pictures. And it had to be my bro's laptop. haha So here it is. Life in Cambodia. Enjoy. =)
Youth mission trip to Cambodia.
12th-16th July 2008
Comfort star hotel, room 101. Bunked in with DQ.

This is the Killing fields. Where the majority of the time of the Pol Pot regime was carried out. An evil period of time carried out by an evil man.

These are the skulls of the people who died during the Pol Pot regime. He killed people who showed any evidence of education, in fear of being overthrowned. He even killed people who wore spectacles. Children too. =(

This is the mass grave in which they throw, apparently, 450 people inside and shoot them to death and leave their bodies lying there, Luckily, as you can see, there is water covering the ground, otherwise we would have been able to see bones.

This was the genocide museum, once a school. But then used as a torturing place. Pol Pot regime again. All the torture things used were let there, as you can see below.

This is where they chain people's ankles to and beat them.

You can see what they do to them. =(

And this is the torture tool for the above picture.

Ok here is dam disgusting. You know those schools with monkey bars, chin up bars and stuff. Yea, but you know those wooden things with the rope hanging down? Yea, that's that, but without the ropes. Instead of having fun swinging, they hang the victim upside down till that person loses consciousness and then dip their heads into that big pot of dirty, stinky, smelly, disgusting drain water till they wake up and then hang them upside down again and repeat it till they die. =( =( =(

Torture tools used to beat the victims.

Yup, the mother's watch their own child get beaten to death.

Some of the kids we saw outside the killing fields

(That picture is the King's mother by the way)

You know in Clay marble, the Tonle Sap, yup, that's it! cool right?
Shopping at TTP, in english it's called the Russian market. SUPER CHEAP stuff i tell you.
Here is a village, and this building is where the kids gather for fun. Sang to them, and gave them biscuits(below). NOT an orphanage. =)


15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010