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HAPPY BIRTHDAYdecided onSunday, September 21, 2008 @ 8:55 PM

WOW! today was a blast.

After church, the same five of us met up for the clebration of charles birthday around 12.45pm. We were the ones to plan the thing, invited about 4 or 5 more people, in the end, the same five of us turned up. =(

Anyway, walked around 10 mins to charles house and then went to his room, we were super hot ah...and we didn't know how to turn the aircon on cause there wasn't any remote visible. haha. So around 1 plus, we called charles to tell his that the plan to meet up for his irthday was cancelled, which got his dam disappointed. And then around 1:20, his sister, Alison, texted me to say they were walking in already, and then around 1:30pm, charles walked into his room and............



Yea, we threw soft toys at him when he came through the door and shouted happy birthday, he gave a pretty shocked face so that was really cool. His face and expression wasn't as happy as i expected but he told me he was.
Yunling and i got a wallet for his birthday which ryan claimed that he got for charles. Yea right ryan, you didn't even remember his birthday till i told you.

So had maggi mee for lunch cause we were pretty lazy to go out. Then chilled in this 'loft' that he had in his house. Man, seriously, his house is dam big ah, and its super exquisite. He has got so many decors around the house. And i bet i can get lost if you leave me to wander there alone. And his dog pepsi is a golden retriever, very old and big. But very calm and nice to pet.
We played uno and spoons for awhile and then charles mum asked if we wanted a cake but later we cancelled the plans cause we decided to go out.

So went to tampines mall to chill, had long john's for a small lunch cause ryan didnt eat the noodles and he really wanted to eat, so we did. And yunling had an interesting experience with the cashier. She had a couple of chilli packets in her hand then the cashier grabbed her hand and gave her change and closed her hand and pushed her hand back to her. haha. like recieving hongpao from grandmother. haha.

Then went to the arcade to play a couple of games. and saw weilun. hope he didnt see me but he probably did. Spent quite awhile there cause ryan and the gang were playing house of the dead 4 for so dam long.

After they were done, went to Toys 'r' us to just look around. played with the mini car and the push-bicycle thingy. haha. then looked at barbies too. you know, they changed all the looks?!?! and all the barbie's look dam ugly now ah. can't they just stick to the normal face? gosh. and the stupid WINX CLUB dolls, dam ugly ah the face. and then dora the explorer also, the face like some tribal woman. even though i like to watch dora the explorer.
Then yunling and i tried hiding from them, worked a couple of times but then didn't really feel like hiding.

Then went to Yamaha to just look around, ryan begged me to play.
Then charles had to go off, apparently he had a yummy japanese dinner waiting for him at home, cooked by his sister. Anyway, he should spend some time with his family on his birthday lah.

Went to the playground at tampines, behind just stand there and decide where to go next. haha. Decided to get bubbletea then head home.
So they did, yun ling and i didnt. Then went to mrt and headed home.

That was around 8 plus. =) Fun time really, im so glad that the surprise worked out! WE really owe it to Alison, she really helped to make sure he came home at the right time and all. And persuade him to go for the afternoon service for church. So thanks alison. =)

Oh yea, charles sent a super sweet message after he left when we were getting bubbletea:
"Hey guys, Juz wanted to say again, thanks for everything u guys did for me. I noe i didnt seem as happy as u allmight hav wanted me to be but, i really was. At first, I tot i was the only one hu organized stuff and all. But 2day, u guys proved me rong, and showed me how good frens u guys are, even though u might hav forgotten my birthday but, i still really appreciate it :) thanks"

SO sweet right? Happy birthday charles.

Study hard guys, probably the last time im seeing them till after exams.

Good luck for exams everyone, especially those in streaming. Study hard. =)


EXAMSdecided onSaturday, September 20, 2008 @ 2:04 PM

Long post today.

Well, i've kinda been wasting these past few days cause on wed, went with ryan, arnold, heman and yunling to study at national library. WE did work for like 45 mins at the study place. Not the study lounge but at the back of the lending library there's a bunch of tables to study. It was DAMN quiet lah. We had to SOFTLY whisper. And you know how soft a whisper is right? WE had to even whisper SOFTLY. So yea..did maths, where ryan kept asking questions and irritating us, especially yunling.

Then played cards at the stairs that was outside the library, heman and ryan went to buy a deck and we played taitee(spell check?), indian poker, bluff, spoons(but with pens). The forfeit for spoons was to eat the carrot cake that we made in home ec that afternoon. Yea, and heman said that when he ate it, it felt like stuffing a tyre down your throat. dam funny sia. haha

Oh yea, FYI, after home ec, mdm tan made an announcement to our classrom and called for davin, hanrui, yunling and i to go back to the kitchen. Apparently, we didn't clear the bucket-dustbin. And arvind also shared with us so yunling was like dam pissed that we both had to clear every unit's dustbin and davin and hanrui had to clean every unit's table. Then mdm tan found a bucket-dustbin under yunling's unit and blamed her for not cleaning up, when it was the previous class who was responsible and yunling didnt even notcie it. Then mdm tan anyhow scold say that we mand yunling always talking, never do work properly. I swear she personally hates us and has us on her blacklist. WE never even talk also just throw whatever comes out of her mouth at us. Dam pissed ah.

Then after, made our way to the library for the literature performance thingy. My group was required to perform to whoever was present at the library. I guess the first group from 2/1 did pretty well except for the singlish part. Napoleon would be like:"I have an announcement to make" Then the animals were like:" Wahh...anouncement woorrhh.." OMG i couldn't stand it , was dam irritating and they did it like so many times. Yea.

So our group was ok except that was kinda nervous and wasn't very smooth cause we only practised once. Then went to meet to study!

Back to the previous story, after playing cards, was like 8 plus already, then headed to yunling's house. We played cards for awhile then had an idea that yunling could stay over at my house since her parents and bro were not in singapore and her sis was at her grandma's house.

So around 9 plus, left her house and waited with arnold and heman for 229. Ryan walked home.

So we reached home and had a drink, yvonne was there, they invited us to play cluedo with them but we felt kinda tired. So we just headed to sleep. Chatted for awhile in bed then went to sleep.

In the morning, left for school as usual, but with yunling of course. haha. Yunling bugged me to blog about staying over, so here it is. I think it's the first time my schoolmate stayed over at my house and the first time she stayed over at her friends house. =)

So yesterday, went to study again at ther library. I studied for like 5o mins while the others didn't study at all, instead they played cards, which made me kinda disappointed. But i'm glad i didn't play with them cause i accomplished some work. And i even told myself that i would MINIMUM study for 1 hour. and i didn't even make it. So i have to make up for all the time wasted. Then we played cards again and then walked around bugis to find charles a birthday present, but to no avail. So we ate dinner at the food court and saw some bedokgreen-ians. but they didnt see us. Pepper lunch for dinner! yummy...

Then headed home, and we planned the outing for charles birthday. Long sotry, we're planning a surpirse for him. so anybody who reads this before this coming sunday afternoon, please don't tell A WORD to charles about this.

We're gonna arrange an outing for him tomorrow afternoon, then in the morning we're gonna cancel and make him sad and disappointed. Then when he goes home, he's gonna see us there! SURPRISE! haha! i seriously hope charles doesn't read this post. WE're asking about 8 people altogether to come and surprise him. I just hope it works and nobody is late when we meet tomorrow.

This is so exciting!

Well, gonna celebrate shankar's brithday at Laguna later with his friends and Saira's coming over too.. Yay!
Calling alison later to arrange everything and plan everything. hopefully it works out. fingers crossed!

I hope i study this week. Streaming year and i hope i get into the class i want. please....

I don't think im gonna post much this next couple of weeks cause of exams. So yea.

Anyway i think this post is gonna make up for all of the posts..haha. super long right? Thanks for reading if you did. Or you probably just skipped to the end right? haha.

I want an outing with the famous 6G bunch
I want an outing with 2/2
I want an outing with Saira.

I want to study
I want to revise
I want to study with Shuwei.
I want to explode.


I'm gonna make this a private blog after the exams.


I miss you terribly

BACK TO SCHOOLdecided onSunday, September 7, 2008 @ 4:16 PM


Wow, the holidays have gone by so dam quickly.

But i've spent my time well.

  1. Firstly, i've done all my homework, on edulearn and maths WRITTEN homework, except for a couple of questions which are dam hard, so i have to ask shuwei for the answers,..haha.

  2. Then, i've cleaned up my desk and my cupboard so my room is A LITTLE neater than before.

  3. Caught up with my primary school friends, the same bunch of us, met them thrice since teacher's day. They are really fun to hang out with, and i have a feeling we are gonna hang out MUCH more often than before. Names: (Excluding yunling and charles) Najeera, bharathi, ryan, arnold, hemandra, christopher and lionel. =)

So yea, we're gonna study at supposedly T3 this wednesday. WE ARE GONNA STUDY. I'm gonna make them study if i have to, considering Ryan's humongous mouth, i'm gonna have a hard time. (And FYI, my cousin found out that humongous isn't a word in the dictionary...haha!)

So yeap, school is starting like...TOMORROW..and i haven't got my long-awaited schoolbag yet. gosh...hayoh. Hate my current schoolbag. I hope this term won't suck.

I made a promise to myself to study hard this term and listen to teacher, even if others play around, i'm not gonna join them (unless it's dam funny) and i'll try to avoid sleeping in class. This year is streaming year, shona, you have to work hard to get into your science class. I hope they offer triple science! =)

So, can't wait till wednesday! Hope bharathi comes so i can give her the present i made for her LAST CHRISTMAS. I STILL HAVE IT. gosh... Gonna have tons of fun! =)

Back to school.


Hot Body!

HOLIDAYSdecided onThursday, September 4, 2008 @ 3:19 PM


Well, this holidays have been going on pretty well. mainly is because i managed to meet up with my primary school friends last friday for teacher's day. We ended up playing one round of block catching, dam fun and then chilled at the playground. Then we decided to meet up on sunday again, seeing how much fun we had.

So sunday, after church, met up with them. We stood (like idiots)at the platform of city hall for like 10 mins, not knowing where we were heading for lunch. And ryan even suggested vivo, WE WERE AT CITY HALL AND HE WANTED TO GO VIVO. = no comments.
So yea...Oh, FYI met up with najeera, yunling, ryan, arnold, heman, charles, christopher and was later joined by lionel. We headed to marina square, had lunch at macs, which was quite dissppointing, going all the way there to eat macs. Then we went bowling! Haven't bowled for quite awhile so...was great fun. Especially arnold and charles trying to sabo everyone that wasn't on their team. And heman got quite stopped. 2 fun games, then we went to get ice cream where we played this game of ignoring ryan. haha. super funny. Then ryan got angry and walked off. However he did give an excuse saying that he just went to buy fries. (lame or lame?)
Then went to arcade where we played DAYTONA, all 8 of us, just nice. Then yunling and i played some shooting game, then najeera found out she lost her wallet. We spent like the next hour searching for it but to no avail. We saw this suspicious-looking guy that walked around the arcade just watching people play games with his sly face(probably hoping they would leave valuables behind after playing) . Then he would sit down next to other people and read his newspaper. Now, you tell me, who in the WORLD would go to an arcade to read newspaper? And he kept glancing at us. Luckily najeera only had her ez-link, $4 and her house keys. nothing extremely valuable was lost.

Then we had to leave cause it was like 6 plus already so i went to meet my family at raffles place cause shaman, yvonne, my dad and gideon just finished the Nike Run. Had subway, then headed home to play badminton for awhile.

So, now, e-learning supposed to be on 1 and 2 september, which is part of our holidays, which means.....holidays aren't holidays. So there was this survey for e-learning and this open ended questions asked: "I do not like e-learning because......" MY reply:"....they always take advantage of our holidays."

Dont you agree????? i mean, what part of HOLIDAYS do they not understand. This is one of the reasons i dislike singapore. Can't they just NOT think about work for once? I mean, we are just students, do you expect our minds to be work-oriented 24/7??? And this isn't the first time my school gave us an e-learning day during the holidays.

So anyway, meeting up with the guys tomorrow. =) Can't wait. and this time, its gonna be from afternoon to night time so i predict we're gonna have blast. And we are going vivo. haha.

Enjoy the last few days of holidays, if that's what it's called.


Sorry we didn't get to go to your birthday party. I would really have loved to.
Really, i would.


15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010