LAST POSTdecided onThursday, November 27, 2008 @
3:23 PM
this will be my last post before i go off to th U.S. Probably the last one for the year too!
unless i spontaneously decide to post last minute.
Things i didn't do:
- BBQ with 6G ( not even an outing)
- Go out with charlyn =(
- I think i have more
Because i feel like i have so little time and so many things i wanna do!!!!
Thanks to my trip, which is not a bad thing, i dont get to go out with my friends.I actually have like...a MONTH left!!!! And we had to squeeze so many things into the first month. Sorry guys...make you all change plans or whatever just to fit my schedule.
Anyway, you guys have another month left to do whatever....just...without me.
please don't have too much fun!!! because i really dont wanna miss it!
I'm leaving tomorrow, 28th Nov 2008, and wont be back till 30th Dec 2008.
It's the longest holiday i've had, ever! And probably will be the last long holiday for a LONG time. But its great cause i get to got to AMERICA!!! andand....see SNOW!! AND SEE MY COUSINS AND RELATIVES!!!! and PREGNANT RACHEL!!!!! hahahaha!!!
I'm so excited. And i haven't finished packing yet. oh golly....i hope i dont forget anything. Anyway can buy stuff from there lah.
Zakiah asked me to buy her a purse...any purse, a girly one, haha. i'll try.
And i'll buy Najeera a birthday present!
And Shuwei and Yunling gifts too!!!! =)
And Jieyi, a gift, for not leaving me for another partner! =) Thanks Jieyi, you really dont know how guilty i feel leaving you and not going for training for so long. i promise to work hard from Jan-Apr ok?
I really cant wait to leave tomorrow!!!!!! =)
I'll take lots of pictures!!! promise!!!
OH! and i developed pictures from Wuhan and put them in an album which i GOT from wuhan too!!! haha. And put a few nice ones on my cupboard!!!! yunling, shuwei can come my house and i'll show you! =) (well not the cupboard one yet...but i will!!! hahaha... but i put the album one already!)
I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so last post for the year.
Merry christmas, Happy New Year in advance to those who are reading.
Happy birthday (in advance) to Najeera: 28 Nov
OH! and i received a letter from Liuting in the mail today!!!!!!HEEHEE~ She's so sweet. I'll get something small from America and send her something too!!
AND i got an EDUSAVE SCHOLARSHIP!!!! For getting the top 10%!!! Shankar also, and shaman when he was sec 4!!
Shuwei you probably got it too right?? haha
Okok. Well i'll be leaving now.
Shuwei: Please send Puckles some clothes and food and whatever gifts you can(Pet society)
Yunling: Please behave yourself. =)
May/may not reply your tags ok? but i'll try to use the com when i can!!! =)
Send me an email if you want something specific from the states ok? I think i should be able to check my mail.
I dont think i'll be able to use my phone there....=(
Sorry, this post is super messy. I just wrote whatever came to my mind first and at that moment.
Off to the U.S!
I'll miss brandy SO MUCH
I'll miss you
UGH!decided onThursday, November 20, 2008 @
3:03 PM
I'M SO FREAKIN' IRRITATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is her freaking problem??????????
decided onWednesday, November 19, 2008 @
9:35 PM
Just now had canoeing training. Let's start from yesterday morning...
Met Saira at 11 plus for shopping!!!!! Cause she just finished her A's the previous day and we have been waiting for so long!!!!
So went to raffles city first to have lunch at SOUPSPOON. yummy minestrone soup i had!!! she ahd clam chowder i think. Shared supposedly spicy potato wedges. Couldn't even finish the soup!!! we were so super full lah.
Gave her the 2 birthday presents from china and the card i made. =) she enjoyed.
Then walked to the Adelphi to get her haird PURMED!!!!!!! First time she did such a drastic change to her hair. While i was waiting, aunty pam, her mom, came to see her getting her hair changed. But because it was like an estimated 2 hour wait before she would finish, aunty pam invited me to go for a PEDICURE with her since i had nothing to do anyway. Hesitantly agreed. =)
So the pedicure was GREAT!!!! love the colour, and its just in time cause i have like 2 weddings to attend this friday and saturday. And hopefully it'll last till when i go to the U.S so family over there can see!!! heehee.
Unfortunately i like smudged it went i went to meet saira to keep her company after my pedicure. I used my leg to pull open the toilet door and it SMUDGED!!!!! UGH!!! i was super upset at myself. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucky its not VERY noticable.
Then i smudged it later again on the other foot. dam. I cant take care of my toenails well, seriously!!!
Anyway, had a snack after saira finished and aunty pam went off, we went to LIDO TO SHOP!!!!! heehee.
Isetan first, managed to get my just-below-knee denim pants/shorts!!!! AHHH!!! Im like sos uper excited cause the previous time they didnt have my size and its like the thing ive been looking for for so dam long!!!! so happy that i got it.
Then suddenly decided to watch a 6:30 move, madagascar 2. Invited shaman and shankar but Shaman said he's not going (probably out with yvonne again...) and saira said just the 2 of us would be fine.
So shopped around more and realised we didnt have much time so we like chiong to look and buy some stuff and then up to the cinema!!!!
Medium popcorn adn drink which made us SO FULL!!!!
Funny show, though i think the first one was more funny.
Then was like 8 plus after the movie, went to look around isetan again. I managed to buy a half-long sleeve t-shirt which i love!!!! =)
Then went around orchard looking for our topshop which happened to be under renovation. =(
BIG disappointment cause we were BOTH looking for tank tope and topshop had nice ones.
Wisma had cotton on with tank tops, but expensive and they were those long ones. I would want normal size ones...with normal prices. heehee.
Then saira suggested to sleepover at hers and both our mothers agreed! =)
Went to my house to get my canoeing stuff and pyjamas and aunty pam picked us up!!!
Had a nice time over at hers. Watching "Butterfly on a wheel". Quite a nice show. Eating groundnuts, Josie jumping around everywhere, licking every part of my body and chasing, but not eating lizards.
Slept around 2 plus. With groundnuts as our dinner.
Woke around jsut before 10. Could hear Josie whining LOUDLY just outside her door. I thought it was Saira breathing funnily. haha.
Cocktail sausages for breakfast.
Then left just before 12 for lunch at simei, some chinese restaurant. very nice congee.
Off to canoeing!! =
Omg strain until cannot breathe.
Then still got circuit training on land.
And it started to rain, heavily, thank god. If not more suffering. Stayed under the shelter for like 45 mins or maybe less with TPJC.
Then decided to walk in the rain cause it started to die down. We all got wet, but I, being smart, wore my visor and put the lifejacket over my head. Only I was the only one without my hair wet. teeheehee~
Then i walked home in the light rain.
And im here now.
Yup. Let's go board-gaming!!!!!!!!!!
Andand....i heard from Saira that Mahdi has a girlfriend. . . .
Wow. That's simply great.
..........decided onMonday, November 17, 2008 @
1:03 PM
Yesterday went out with the family after church to do some shopping.
My parents anniversary.
Went to Chinatown and centrepoint.
Saw lots of funny, random but interesting stuff.
Went to chinatown to look for gifts for Derek's cousins and my dad's friends children, whom we are going to see in the U.S. We were unseccesssful though...
shop named 'Piggy Porky'. I think it's probably halal.
This guy DREW his license plate number on cardboard and stuck it on the car. Can see his writing if you look closely. lol.

Singing bears at centrepoint. They can move their heads and the books they were holding. Playing some boy band sound, but suppose to look as though they were singing. dam cute and funny.

Playing with brandy at home. She hung onto her toy(you can see the hairy thing on the left) so tightly, didnt want to let go. That you can see her tongue hanging on the side. super cute right? We were poking her tongue to see if she would let go. Very eeky but squishy and weird feeling too. haha.
Yes so, that was it. Had New York New York for dinner at centrepoint. Had a double cheese and ham sandwich. Which was quite good but filling. And potato wedges that were great in taste but small in number. And an AWESOME chocolate shake!!! MUST TRY!!!!
And my parents kept reminding me about cleaning my room. wth man. I mean, during dinner, your anniversary, we're having a nice time and you must ask me about cleaning my room. My dad even asked what percentage of my room i had completed. My mum said she'll SIT WITH ME and do my desk. I told her i want to do it on my own, but they dont 'trust me'. wtf man
I wanted to cry on tht spot. I mean seriously lah. This is the 2498573948598346508934750284650894365098346509834659082q3 time you have reminded me. You want me to do it??????
THEN STOP FREAKING REMINDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant take it anymore. I feel like.....UGH!!!!
forget it.
Why cant they just let me do it on my own. I have a good reason for delaying it. But you guys justhink im irresponsible and think i cant do things on my own. wtf.
I wanna cry.
I wanna hug you and cry.
CLASS CHALETdecided onThursday, November 13, 2008 @
3:19 PM
Sorry for the late update. Dont know why, but i just cant upload the pics of the event within the next 3 days. =(
Well here they are: (7-9 Nov 2008)

Godwin's birthday cake. And cream mess that we slammed into his face.

Sexy Syarif.

Throwing barbequed food at each other.
Pool side at the chalet.

Before we went ms ng off.
Chalet area. Ours was H 08

At the E!hub, when we had nothing to do cause we had a sleeping shift, from 12-4, let the aunties sleep and 4-8, we sleep. Cause only one room man, and two single beds and a hard-sofa-material mattress.

We took like 4 of these shots at burger king. It was closing and we didn't order anything, just go there to sit down.

Yunling had to eat this 'all-sauces-and-liquids-you-can-find-at-macdonads' combination cause she lost our scissors paper stone gane. She had confidence that she wouldn't be the one. HARHAR.

The sign says 'kids love painting'

We played pepsi-cola here, nothing to do what. What do you expect at 3 am in the morning?!?!?!

Stairs to heaven and an early christmas!!!

Who can throw their slipper the furthest with their foot. And free to use com that we used to tag weijia's blogshop as 'ahmaboy'.

Wanted to come back after 2 am so we can climb over, but it was still ope at 3:30 am. horrible security man...
Yea, the 7 of us were the closest.
Some of them jsut don't get it seriously!!!! WE had plans to go after breakfast we went to check the rates, came back and they were all renting bikes to go cycling. what the hell man. Then we come back from escape, the water ride, and they barbequed for themselves. Jane even said: "Errr, these sausages for your group one."
WTH MAN!!! Who did the barbeque the previous day for all of you???? US RIGHT?!?!?! then you give us this shit about barbequeing for yourselves, adn teh fire so dam small that by the time we got there, we had to start another dam fire. What kind of class chalet is this?
I mean i know, the 7 of us went out quite often, but we still check the price for you, let you guys sleep in the room, BARBEQUE FOR ALL OF YOU, book this chalet for you, buy the food and organize this WHOLE thing...and this is how you repay us.
Then when we came back to sleep, you guys still playing around, not sleeping, so i know we came back earlier than we were supposed to, but we were actually sleepy, and you guys wasted your sleeping time to play. Then while waiting outside for the time to pass..OUTSIDE the chalet, you tell us we're too noisy, when we were hardly making any noise. Then when we wanted to sleep, you guys watch the movie and scream like hell man. I dont know if its on purpose just to make us irritated or to show that you guys are angry at us, you tell us to keep quiet and you make so much noise. It's not just us that can hear it you know, people are staying in the chalet beside us and you make so much noise.
Then when we wake up, i know we came down about half an hour late, like 8:30, then it was silence when we walked down the stairs. Nobody even said good morning or showed a simple smile. We say good morning, and no one replies. We say goodnight, same thing happens.
f man...don't think having another chalet with them again would be a good idea. Just the same bunch of us would be good enough. Read Marina's blog...keep on saying "some people"..i know you're referring to us lah dammit.
I'm glad to let this out.
I wish i could hug you.
SCROLLdecided onTuesday, November 11, 2008 @
10:09 PM
Please keep checking my china trip post cause i'll be updating on it. So keep scrolling to the bottom. And go check my 2/2 '08 post below. Syarif's videos and funny class photos are there! thanks.
CLASS 2009decided onFriday, November 7, 2008 @
11:14 AM
Sorry for the lateness. Forgot to post this.
Im in Class 3/1 for 2009!!!
- English
- E maths
- A maths
- Pure Bio
- Pure Chem
- Pure Physics
- SS
- Elect Geog
Yup. I am REALLY GLAD for having shuwei, raudhah and especially syarif (no offence, really, shuwei and raudhah) so that he can change the class and not make it so quiet!
I think i'll start to hear ringing sounds if its too quiet man, the 2/1 people, whoo! (not enthusiastically, in a sighing way)
I miss you
WUHAN CHINAdecided onSaturday, November 1, 2008 @
2:37 PM
It was really nice there. I REALLY enjoyed myself. I hope to go back there again. =)
Here are the pics.
T3, leaving for Guangzhou! Goodbye Singapore!

Yes, we got to sit on SIA! =)Pillows, blankets, and your own TV screen with the latest movies (still in cinemas) and games!!! And Scrumptious food!

Shuwei was dam upset, her Screen didn't work. lol. Can see her reflection. Look at that poor upset face. =( Still, lol.

Guangzhou Airport.

Off to Wuhan! On China Southern Airlines. No blanket, pillow or TV. They didn't even offer headphones for the radio.

Wuhan Airport! Nice cold weather. Like natural aircon, REALLY!

Bus to Dinner, then hotel.

A little girl was having her birthday on the ground level, and the place was FULL of cigarette smoke!!!! Gosh, we could hardly breathe! In Wuhan, they allowed people to smoke indoors. I really couldn't take it.
DAY 2:

My "beautiful" hotel room view, of which i shared with Jia Hui, sec 3. A rubbish dump, and an abandoned hospital. Makes you feel at home doesn't it?

I seriously have no idea how to spell it. Anyway its that long fried thing on the left hand side. It's the only thing everybody ate. Other dishes: (From that yellow thing, to the left) SUPER salty vegetables, dough, dont know what, ling yong pau, some more dough, full-of-water-porridge and century egg. And nobody offered drinks. Just lots and lots of tissue.


The museum was about the defence of Wuhan and its past wars.

Chime Bell performace.

Other museum, but same area. There were about 3 i think. This one i THINK is the artefacts, no the REPLICA of the artefacts found. That's the only stupid thing of why i found it boring. All were replicas and models of the actual things. So wasn't a REAL museum.

Half, is real, half is fake. Re-creating the scene where the slaves had to uncover artefacts. I think....

Pieces of broken bowls are stuck into the wall behind us!

All the letters falling off the sign.

View from second floor of the museum.

Teeth of animals. Fake cavemen

View from outside. Left building is the previous museum we were at.

First delecious, scrumptious meal we had. Lunch! We begged our teachers to go there everyday for every meal. Lol. But toilet was scary.

Nice shot huh? Like you see in movies.
Look at all that stairs.

Inside the temple.

On the right, some rock place. But nice rocks. Like crystal. I like this particular one.

Next destination, Huang He Lou, Yellow Crane Tower.

The ticket. So nice right?

View from the tower.

2nd museum, same area. Nobody listening. Except Vincent Ng.

Our bus, to lunch. This lunch was special. I tried EVERYTHING they served. And we actually managed to FINISH some dishes!!!

Nice shot here. Yunling. Yea, we were at some guzheng place. This guy could play really well. But he didn't play guzheng. Something else that started with a 'Gu'. Two instruments. You can see the other one behind him.

Look at Aaron.

THEN SHOPPING!!!!!!! And because we were late the previous day, the teachers sat somewhere where we couldn't see them to teach us a lesson. Made us wait for about 15 mins. Their question:" So were you all worried?" My answer: "Nope!" (not out loud of course)

Isn't Nike's one "Nothing is impossible"? And doesn't Strabucks have the same font?

The sign and spelling is very similar to Nike don't you think?

Sign looks like Adidas.

Actually around 6pm we had this darkness in the sky.

Horrible Mac breakfast: Egg muffin with cheese and ketchup. HORRIBLE! Really made me wanna vomit. But nice hot chocolate. And beautiful view of the lake.

Look at how misty it is!

Sorry for suddenly coming to the school. Anyway this is their excercising period, for 20mins. EVERYBODY memorizes the dance and they all are very enthusiastic.

My buddy gave up her room for me. That's it! Queen size bed and that's the view from her room!

That's the middle school building. Looks like a haunted, abandoned house.

JUST outside the school gate. Almsot everybodyt akes a bike to school. And some older people live in houses like those over there.

All the Sec 2's

Me and Liuting and our enchanged gifts.