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CNY week.decided onFriday, January 30, 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Hello. (as i always begin)

Oh mann. You have no idea how glad i am that today is friday.

Today was tiresome man.

Okok, weekly update first.
Since i updated on sunday and monday already, i shall start from tuesday yea?

TUESDAY: (27 February 2009)

2nd day of CNY. No school!
We stayed over at the beach that monday night. So had a nice sleep, apparently i sleeptalked to Saira about chains and connections. =S
Then nice Macdonalds breakfast. yummy hashbrowns.
Then played with shankar's pressure rocket thingy. Launched it DAM high and alot of people started looking and got attracted. haha. so we attracted alot of attention.
OH. and i saw a really cute guy playing soccer. And he stayed over!!!! around 20 metres away only. haha. very cute. But a little short. But very fit. heehee. And his hair super messy, in a nice way yea? HAHA.
Ok, then met Arnold and Heman at bedok interchange around 10:30 and we went to mr lee's house. yes. Charles was a little later then us. We went there first, got news from mr lee's bro that HE WASN'T IN!!! WE were so annoyed. I mean, we told him then he go out. wa lau. Then walked halfway up the street and got a call from lee that he was coming soon and asked us to go in first. Then STRAIGHT AWAY got a call from charles that he was right outside the house. Haha, we saw his car, but wasn't sure it was him.
Yea, so his bro let us in, then we sat outside. Saw MANY PLANTS. AS charles or heman said, all the plants probably as old as him. No colour. Only a few. The 'orchid garden' he told us about was just orchid plants. The one with flowers was put on the table we were sitting at.
Yea, then he came, talked, and his son also sat with us, but hardly talked. Me and charles laughing AT mr lee, not with him, but of course, mr lee didn't know that. Yea, so $10 ang pao from him. so good huh? Yunling, you missed it.

Then went to Ryan's house for lunch and to visit him. Brought mr lee with us, so we got a drive there. But didn't tell ryan. So ryan was a little surprised that mr lee was there. haha.
Got a lecture from ryan's dad about how dangerous ridihng a bike can be, how important it is to learn frist aid, how stupid ryan is. yes.
And we saw the x-ray of ryan's broken collar bone. It was REALLY BROKEN!! It was actually and upside down V-shape man!!! really horrible. Ryan was weraing a sling in the meantime.
Yea then played PS3, a game called 'little big planet'. made me scream alot. Dam fun and cute game.
Around 5 plus, which i ddint expect to be there still, playing somemore, yunling came and joined us. Played spoons also and then watched the boys play call of duty.
I had really bad stomach cramps. But not the monthly ones, just a random one. And it really sucked.
Then we split up, and me and yunling went to bedok interchange to have duinner at burger king. She was craving. haha, And i REALLY did not expect dinner to be just the two of us. I was prepared for at least arnold to come. =(
But we both managed to talk. ALOT.
About many things. We haven't been able to talk like that since sec 1. So i was glad.
Then went home.


Normal school day.
Unfortunately, no leadership thing. I really didnt wanna go for canoeing. I had to. For the sake of Jieyi. And for attendance.
Yea, trainign finally wasn't continuous 6km. We had sets of 1km each, resting for about 2 mins. Me and Jieyi went late cause i went for Topaz house meeting cause im the level rep. Adn jieyi frogot her shorts so she went home. But since ms ShiJin was in the meeting too, she walked with us to the resevoir! =)
That's basically all.


School as per normal.
After school stayed with shuwei till modern dance started, yunling went for DETENTION. haha, dam funny. But also dam unfair cause it just so happened that that day, whoever came late went for detention staright away. Even if it was their first time. It used to be after 3 times. I mean, you wanna give detention as soon as a person comes late, then do that, you wanna give detention after a person is late 3 times, then do THAT. Dont swtich whenever you want to and catch people by surprise, it may not be their fault that they're late.
Then went home once shuwei went for modern dance.
I have to play for the children's choir in church. And i sound horrible.


Normal boring old school.
HAd a really boring assembly, except when this foreign guy(guessing from austrailia cause of his accent) gave a talk about a triathlon. His body was hot man. woo! =)
Canoeing, again.
Did the same thing as tuesday.
But 5 sets of 1km, and 5 sets of 250m.
I really trained hard today. I really rotated my body and kicked. I felt good. And the new canoeing teacher, mr lim came today. HE tried our a T1. And capsized, TWICE (5 min interval) near the 500m mark, when he was supposed to stay near the shore. hayoh. lol.
And I saw Winston capsize also. haha.
And saw Jennifer canoeing.
Jieyi suggested we do our own debrief after training to review on how we performed and suggest how we can improve. I'm glad to have her as my partner.
Oh, and Jieyi, jessica and I jaywalked sub-consciously, LUCKILY no cars, and no mrs choo. CAuse we got scolded for jaywalking before. I'm so glad she didnt see!!! Cause we thought we saw her car pass by just as we jaywalked, luckily it wasn't.

I'm tired now. SO tired.
I cant wait for tomorrow. Besides my piano lesson and tuition.
Lunch at yunling's. Dinner at mine.

Thank God its the weekend.


So good to hear it again.

HAPPY CNY!!!decided onMonday, January 26, 2009 @ 5:36 PM

Hello. It's amazing that i'm posting again in the period of like, 2 days.

Well, today is chinese new year. The first day of the ox!!!

I dont want to type all the stupid idoms.

Well, yesterday had 'reunion' dinner at aunty pam's place. And this time she invited uncle Eugene, and brought aunty Lorraine and Sean and Sonia. It was a little weird for me at first. But we slowly warmed up. Cause Sean and Saira teamed up against shaman and shankar in a game of fooseball. I obviously suck, so i didn't play.
His reactions to losing were pretty funny, and everytime the opposing team scored a goal He show abit of a sense of frustration.

Then had yummy dinner.
Salted vegetable duck soup was nice. But i don't eat duck. But the vegetable was nice. Ate a piece of leek, as usual, we must eat leek everytime we have the dinner, whether we like it or not.

Then more fooseball and then dessert. Rockmelon sago, but i was too full to eat. Some pistachios also. THen we sat in the living room.

Played taboo!!!!
MY TEAM: Me, shankar, Sean and Sonia.
OTHER TEAM: Shaman, Saira, Aunty Pam and aunty Lorraine.

VEry funny, especially Sean surprisingly.
I know we all haven't been close to him, nor to his family. But his personality is so much different. Noticed it ever since he was the emcee for the mascot thing. Yea, he was so funny when trying to make us say the word. And so many other phrases he used when he was under stress or wanted to win.
We laughed alot. ALOT.

Yea, so after that, played blackjack, as usual.
Shirin and Mizan went back so they didn't join us. Poor Shirin had to work today, so she had to get some good sleep.

Yea, i got a couple of blackjacks i think. I started of with $5 and finished with $7. So i made $2 profit. After like at LEAST 10 rounds.

Then it was like 1 plus already, and uncle eugene and family had to go home, so all of us stopped since evryone was feeling a little tired.
I must admit, we grew closer to them after that night. Our impression of Sean especially has changed. He's really funny. Maybe I'll start saying hi to him again.

Yea, then last minute plans to sleep over. SO my parents went back and the three of us stayed over. Borrowed clothes from Saira and my bros borrowed from Mikail's closet clothes to sleep in. We were watching some videos on youtube for quite awhile untill we tried this awareness test that was not acually an awareness test and gave us a super fright!!!! We scareamed man!!! Dam loud!!! And shaman and shankar said their breath was literally taken out of their bodies. They were just so stunned. I wouldn'y like to explain what happened. We quickly shut down the com and went to Saira's room to get ready for bed.
Each of us took a shower and then went to bed. Josie slept next to Shankar the whole night!! Cuddled up next to him, under the blanket. Only woke up at like 9 plus this morning, wheezing a little. Think the aircon was too cold for her.

Yea, we woke up around 11 plus, had breakfast and my parents came with our stuff and clothes. THen did the offering of oranges to my parents and aunty pam and uncle khozam. Then lingered around for awhile before we went to Ko po's house.
Ate lots of groundnuts and guaji(spelling?) when we were there. SAw my piano teacher, just before she left. As usual, see her visiting her aunt just literally opposite Ko Po's house.

Ate the snacks till about 2 plus then went for lunch and Dempsey Hill. Had a nice seafood lunch and ice cream with pulut hitam for dessert. It was EXTREMELY nice!!! The coconut ice cream instead of milk, wasn't too strong, so it was nice to eat. yummy, i want somemore.

Then again, last minute plans for Saira to sleep over at our house tonight!!! So she should be coming soon.

Later might be going to botanic gardens or east coast.

Shaman is with Yvonne's family, having reunion dinner. Isn't it weird? Then when we made plans to go swimming later (which is cancelled now) I thought he might try to come after the dinner to join us. Then I said we could bring clothes for him and then pick him up and we can go. And he was like: "But Yvonne doesn't have anything to wear."
What the... I mean, i thought it ws just going to be him!!! How come he just assumed SHE was coming? And like, it's HER FAMILY'S reunion, she should spend time with THEM! and let MY BROTHER spend time with HIS FAMILY.
Whatever, she's probably coming later. =

Tomorrow is going to be...


Yunling isn't coming in the morning and afternoon.
Which means i have to spend the whole time, till dinner, with Charles Arnold and Heman, and Ryan for awhile. I'm the only girl!!!!!!! So i asked najeera, but she hasn't confirmed.
Yunling you owe me big time!!!!!!!!!
I asked Arnold to promise not to leave me alone.
Oh well, more red packets from mr lee. YOUR LOSS YUNLING.

And visit ryan tomorrow, who is stuck at home.

And celebrate heman's brithday in the afternoon. And i think he has to go back early to be with his family. (Which is the RIGHT thing to do for such a special occassion.)

And dinner, hopefully, with yunling who HAS to come as early as possible!!!!!

I don't wanna go back to school on wednesday. I hope there's no training. There still is the leadership thing right??????


I hope this year will be good for me, in terms of everything.

OH, and i had a couple of fortune cookies at aunty pam's house.
The first one said: "Love is in the air" =) I wish mann....
I cant remember what the other 2 said.

Oh well, enjoy today everybody!!! Enjoy the holidays!!! Enjoy, not feeling stressed.


WEEKLY UPDATEdecided onSaturday, January 24, 2009 @ 9:39 PM

Time for my weekly update. Been wanting to update earlier, just didn't have the time. VERY LONG, SORRY.

Ok, let's start with lasts sunday, normal morning and afternoon. But went to aunty Gauri's house for dinner. Because Vignesh was back AND it was uncle...oh, what's his name? anyway it was the uncle's birthday too. so yea.
Saw Rai again. =) And had yummy indian dinner. Followed by the FIRST TIME EVER playing with the Wii. Rai had some games, but i only played bowling cause we could play with 4 people. Was really fun, and amazing how it works, really. Yea, then on the way home, exchanged shoes with Sheena, which almost killed my feet.

Start of the week! unfortunately...
Glad it starts with PE and there's no mother tongue periods, which i have to spend it all by myself. I'm not sure is we changed rearranged some people's seats today. or was it the few days after? ANYWAY, someday through the week, mrs choo changed some people's seats. Shawn, who was in front of me, had to be placed in front cause he kept turning back to talk. (But he only changes during english lesson, when mrs choo is in class =) haha) And Arvind and Arshad were talking too much, so arvind had to change with henderson, and now HENDERSON sits next to me!!!! well not NEXT next, but next to me in the row on my right. =(
And Alex came!!! He's from London. And he's ever so shy.
Land training after school, not too tiring, cause we came late, cause of Bio lesson.
We had practical on puting potatoes in sucrose solution. But ended throwing pieces of potatoes at each other. People like Weesheng and Fouzan threw, almost the size of an average eraser, potatoes at people. Everytime you looked up, there was bound to be some potatoes flying around. The teachers never really saw us throwing, only a couple of times, most of the time, she only saw them on the floor. of course, a small scolding and we had to clean up the mess, well, weesheng had to cause teacher saw him throwing it.
We were all surprised, cause this is 3E1, and we're doing this. It was dam fun

Painful, but dam fun.

Normal day.
Left halfway through geography for CLB. Unfortunately, i had to do the stupid play. Wont' elaborate, dont think you'd wanna know.
Slept almost half of the first half of CLB. The teacher was AMAZINGLY boring. I am not exaggerating, but, I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO BORED IN MY LIFE. YES I MEAN IT, IN MY LIFE!
So i texted arnold to keep me awake for the second half of the lesson, after the break. Thank God he wasn't busy, i was texting him the WHOLE TIME. I mean it, the whole time! And the teachers was just not noticing, telling the same stories as he did in the previous lesson, clarence came, 10 mins after the break, told the teacher he had a stomach ache, went out of class, and never came back. =)

Normal again.
But after school had this leadership training thing. It was a class bonding session if you asked me. I really enjoyed it, screaming my head off to cheer on each other. It was actually on of the talks that actually made me think about having a 'shared vision'(which was the purpose of the talk). I'm glad my class really got to bond.
Glad that Alex was there to join us. A great chance to bond with our class. I wonder what we're gonna do this coming wednesday...
The training ended around 6, so obviously, no training!!!

Nothing special in school.
Metting before school, after assembly by mrs choo, gathered canoeists. Talked about commitment, especially just for the next 2 months.
And she had to say it just as i made up my mind to skip CCA the next day.
Stayed back after school cause school ended arouns 2:15 pm, and i just didn't want to go home, even though its my only free day!!! I didn't manage to find anybody to do homework with, cause jieyi, lindsay and kimberly went for tuition. But Arshad was sitting in front of me and then moved to 2 tables beside me. So we kinda helped each other out in maths especially.
I spent 4 hours in the canteen, all by myself, listening to music and doing chem and maths. Most of the time maths. There was only 4 questions, but i spent majority of the time doing it, and in the end, completing only 1. =)
Arshad thought he had finished math, and asked if i was stuck, then offered his answers to me. Unfortunately, 1st question, did the wrong method, not method, but it was wrong.
2nd question, he copied the changed 4th question.
3rd question was fine
4th question, he copied the unchaged 4th question.

So he re-did everything. on a new paper. Sad.
Then his friend came to help us, and i ended realizing i got the first question right!!!! which was the only one i managed to complete. And the rest, both of us didn't know how to do. And Arshad even told me he was going to stay till 7, which he has done before, multiple times. crazy huh?
The time passed so dam fast. Before i knew it, it was 6, and the modern dance people finished their CCS, so i met with yunling and shuwei and we went home together.

Asked mum about skipping CCA to go to temasek, wasn't too happy about it. So i had to go didn't I? God was giving me so many signs.

Lessons as per normal till recess.
Then rush to make cards for teachers. Last minute changes to our mascot. Cutting holes in the box so we could fit Fouzan inside. =) Really funny.
Then concert.
Performed by; Wushu, malay dance and Guzheng!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!
Only malay dance wasn't that bad.
And the in between scenes of Syarif acting.
And the mascot competition. Sean was the emcee. He sounded so much more jubilant and wuite englishy, actually.
Our class won the best-decorated notice board( SUPER SURPRISINGLY, since it was so plain and other classes were better)
And we won 3rd place for our mascot. Losing to 3E3 who did their mascot that morning. And ours was really made of recycled stuff!!!!!! that's the theme!!! I really thought we deserved to win the mascot thing, and not the notice board.
Training after. which i and so many other canoeists dreaded. Hazel and i were talking on the walk to the reservoir. About how much we dreaded canoeing now, unlike last time when we were so happy to go and train. Now it's such a burden. =(

Then staright after training, met yunling and then met the others to have dinner. Charles, Arnold, Ryan, Heman Christopher and Lionel.(surprisingly)
Had dinner at block 168, near temasek.
Then headed to Ryan's to chill.
Played cards while a couple of them played PS3. Ryan wasn't a very good host was he yunling?
Spoilt brother Renny who screamed because they wouldn't let him play PS3. I mean come on, who are the guests here?!?!?
Played spoons after that outside. Crazy fun. Richson came home and pulled yunling's ponytail very hard, that she practically got dragged.


I tried to pull a joke on yunling.

How it supposed to be:

Me:How do you spell banana?
You: B-A-N-A-N-A
Me: Then how do you spell papaya?
You(sub-conciously): P-A-Y-A-Y-A

How it went with yunling

Me:How do you spell banana?
Yunling: B-A......N-A-N-N-A
Me: that's not how you spell banana!!
Yunling: Huh??? yah lah!!! B-A-N-A-N-N-A what...
Me: UGH!!! no!!!!! spell again
Yunling: okok, B.....A......N.....A......N.......................N-A!!!!!
Me and arnold: NO!!!!
Arnold: It's B-A-N-A-N-A!!!!
Yunling: huh? YAH LAH, okok, B-A-N-A-N-N-A!

This went on for like 5 minutes. And i never got to tell the joke. Yunling was the joke herself.

That wasn't too great a time spent with them, couldv'e been better.

Tuition, and then Piano. I'm so not ready for the exam in July.

No youth today!
And received news that Ryan broke his shoulder. The bone connecting his right shoulder to his neck is bent 60 degrees inwards. Sounds really bad right? He flew off his bike, and in order to rpotect his head, turned his body and landed on his shoulder. Going for another check up this coming wednesday. And we have plans to visit him on tuesday, before we visit mr lee. Poor ryan, cant go out anywhere. CAnt turn his neck leftwards. And cant lift his elbow and up.

Went to Botanic Gardens just now. With Brandy. Nice day.
Too bad I was pissed. Brandy was there for me.
Shaman wasn't. Spent the day with Yvonne. Who can drive now.

Having a conference later, talking about tuesday. Actually now, but nobody's called.

Thanks for reading if you did, i know its long. You probably skipped to the end.

Well it ends here.
Thank God for the long weekend break!

Going to Aunty Pam's house tomorrow for reunion dinner.


UPDATEdecided onFriday, January 16, 2009 @ 9:36 PM


I'm so tired.

I think i've decided to post once a week, or when something eventful happens. =)

I'm so glad its the weekend. I;m starting to feel the stress at school now. Thank God Mrs koh didnt come today, or else she would've given us a TON of homework. And also thank God that there's not much homework to be done for the weekend. I'm so happy.

Just had canoeing just now. Went late cause we did the mascot thingy. Turned our pretty well, i mean at least we completed most of it. Not like if we were eback in 2/2, hardly ANYTHING would've been done. So yea, happy. Lindsay and i took our own sweet time to get ready and walk to the reservoir. We just had NO mood at all to go for water training.

Well, i'm so super tired right now. Might have an early night, not sure.

I've finally watched my desperate housewives which i taped on like, monday. This is probably the only time i get to watch. And ghost whisperere later, depends. Maybe i'll sleep early and tape it for tomorrow. And I've given up on watching heroes ever since it DIDN'T get taped while we were on holiday. So i'm just waiting for the marathon to come out and i'll watch the whole thing.

Man, this week was so busy. EVERYDAY i come back just in time for dinner.
Monday; land training till 6 plus
Tuesday; CLB
Wednesday; house meeting, then canoeing preparation forn CCA fair.
Thursday; CCA fair, and meet the parents session for sec 1's. )I didnt even COME BACK for dinner!!!)
Today; Caneoing water training

I'm so exhausted. I bet everyone from my class is dam happy that the weekend has found us. And the work hasn't properly started yet, so i've still yet to know what i'm in for.
Ugh...oh man oh man oh man.

Well, tomorrow is saturday. Have piano, tuition then award ceremony at Bedok South Secondary School!!!! Yes, receiving an EDUSAVE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD! haha, and i told arnold about it and he told me he'll be there, taking care of HIS ncc group. I would like to watch him in action, handling the NCC group. haha.

Something has been nudging me for the past week. And i want to talk about it, but i have to make sure its true first, or at least seems like its true. Yunling, you'll know when i find the right time. It's not that serious, i just need your opinion. =)

OH! and 6 sec onces came for training today. that's an improvement. Let's just hope they stay.

Don't want the weekend to end please. please dont.


I'm confused now

NEW YEARdecided onFriday, January 9, 2009 @ 6:47 PM


Sorry this is like a super late post.

But i didnt have the time and didnt feel like blogging.

Well, America was the greatest thing ever.
I had the best christmas ever there, i spent time with my cousin's in laws. (They're the craziest bunch of people ever!!!)
I WENT SNOWBOARDING!!!! which is like the highlight of my trip man. It was SO AWESOMELY AWESOME. And going snowboarding meant that....
I SAW SNOW for the first time!!!! And we also went sledding, looking for our own hill to sled down. It was the most fun i've had since forever.

I love america. I really want to move there. I have my reasons:
  1. They have the four seasons
  2. The air is so nice to breathe in
  3. The land cost is SO CHEAP
  4. Cars are also cheap
  5. Beautiful sceneries
  6. The nice open space all around you
  7. I can have my own horse
  8. I love american breakfasts
  9. I would love to have their accent
  10. School is so much nicer to study in
  11. Their fashion is SO MUCH MORE better and cooler
  12. Their sales are REALLY SALES.

So that's my few reasons, i may add more if i want to.

And the family was great. Staying at Grandma Mitchell's house. And christmas dinner was the best. Singing, opening presents ALL AT ONCE. can you imagine like 35 people sitting around the whole house, opening at least 5 presents each? It was simply amazing.

I want to go back there again because i miss them. I really do. I miss their loudness, their humour, the food they cook.

And Rachel is pregnant, and we wont get to see her belly big. I really cant imagine Rachel having a big belly. But i cant wait till the baby is born!!!!! Due date is suppose to be July 10th this year. 1 day before mummy's birthday.

I just miss them so so so SO much. I am sincere about that. I dont think i've been so sincere about this kind of comment before. But i really miss them. I also miss Drew. Long story.

So back to the present.

2009. Stressful year. 3/1 has so many subjects, ending at 4pm, twice in a row. Staying back after school for extra lessons. I have been told to prepare for that. But I'm glad im not struggling with maths. I'm actually getting it! And the best part, SHUWEI ISN'T!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! Now i get to teach shuwei!!!! =) lalalala!

haha. Yea, canoeing just now. Scolding from mrs choo for jaywalking through a red man. Even though i knew no cars were coming.

I hope this year is good for me. I dont wanna be under too much stress for studying. Yuo see, another reason to move to america. School isn't so stressful. Our school, just focuses on rushing and rushing and rushing just so we can finish the syllabus. I mean, you want us to learn? Stop frocing knowledge down our throats!!! Gosh, all you governments jsut care about is the exmas and finishing thr syllabus. If you keep gorging us with knowledge, then we'll jsut forget evrything by the time the exam is over. Then what was the point of the whole year?

Gosh. I hate studying in singapore. I mean, holidays too. What freaking part of HO-LI-DAYS, do you governments/schools not get huh? In america, holidays and vacations means holidays and vacations. Not half the time having extra lessons, not havuing to come back for decorations or CCA, and most importantly, NOT HAVING AND HOMEWORK TO DO!!!! Gosh. Singapore is just so.....UGH!!!!

I cant stand it!!!

Anyway,talked to Sheela recently, on facebook. She broke up with Paul. Can you believe that?!?!?!?! They were actually talking about engagement, she went to visit him in France for christmas and came back heartbroken. I wonder what happened between them. He was such a nice guy and i was looking forward to them getting enagaed and married. Oh well.

And Sheela is in the hospital now, i heard some stomach problems. On the IV drip the whole day. poor thing ah? Praying for your physical and emotional health.

Well, tomorrow having a puppy play date! Bringing brandy and mylo over to Saira's house to see how Josie would react to a puppy.

Yea, mylo is sheena's new dog. She got it just before we came back form ameria. She's a black labrador with white paws and a white streak on her chest. so cute ah? But its gonna grow fast, especially the first 6 months. Cuddle it while we can. =)

Not much homework this weekend. yay!

OH! And we did our I.C. thing today! Coolest thing is taking our thumbprint. Once on the scan thingy, once using ink on our thumbs. cool huh? Getting I.C next month, third week.

And the book im reading is getting more touching. i hope i dont cry.

I want to be OK.



15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010