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REFRESHEDdecided onThursday, March 26, 2009 @ 8:39 PM


Wow, haven't blogged for like, dont know how long.

k whatever.

Today is thursday.
THAT means school ends early, AND there's nothing after school.
Today is exceptionally good cause i hardly had any homework. That includes the ones given today AND the ones i owe. So today, I only had maths, 2 questions. Finished in like, less than 10 mins, all done after school, with shuwei/fouzan/weesheng/brendon/syarif.

Yea, nothing much the past week, except that it has past really fast. THe holidays didnt past as fast as it could have. But, it was ruined anyway.
Oh, and the national juniors? You wanna hear about that? WE got TRASHED. THe JC's totally dominating. And the stupid boats that we have never used before totally dissed our direction. So the starting of the race, we nearly capsized. The coaming of the boat actually touched the water. That's how close we were to capsizing. Luckily, thank god, we didnt. We were so dam freaking far behind.
Cried after that, probably dont expect me to do that, but I did. And after i stopped, and THOUGHT i calmed down, Nadiah's crying totally triggered it again.
Whatever, all for the experience.

Ok, so training has been a LITTLE tougher, but that's all fine, cause we really need it. And i think it could be upped a little more, in fact. But at elast I'm taking it more seriously now. And I've recently realised that I've been taking for granted my dear partner, Jieyi. Cause she's so loyal to me, and we are the ONLY two partners that have been stable and together since the start. I'm grateful to have her and I hope that nothing bad happens that we get split up. =)

School has been..........enjoyable. Except for chemistry and maths, which is really starting to bore me nowadays. I used to think Mrs Koh was a great etacher, cause she taught very well and is very patient, but its just BORING. Don't even get me started on chemistry. Not that it's boring, but, it's like Mr Ngoh's lessons all over since Mr Tan started teaching. When Mrs Liow teaches, yea, THEN its boring.

I realised that i need to eat snacks in class to survive. If not I'll get cranky. Really, i will. So like, i depend on Jieyi to bring something when i froget my plain crackers, or granola bar. And i want the sour plum sweet.

I don't feel stressed at all now. Maybe cause the piling homework hasn't started, and we have not had any tests (excluding common test) this past week. Oh, except super short quiz for chemistry which i cheated on. lol.

I feel that i can enjoy life and breathe like total fresh air now. Especially since i went home so early today. But i appreciate so many things now.

Yea, now i can relax a little to appreciate the small little bits around me. But, not for long im guessing. The stress is probably just gonna get worse as the days and weeks pass. So, I also appreciate the non-stress days I'm enjoying right now.

Don't think I'll be blogging very foten, since i hardly have time to use the com. But I'll try.

Tomorrow I have canoeing. yay! =) Finally a yay.

So, don't need to come here too often. =)

I'm gonna go to school tomorrow! And it's a short day! And there's canoeing!



What am i suppose to do?

LAST AND FIRST DAYdecided onFriday, March 13, 2009 @ 8:39 PM

I want to say good morning, but it's goodnight. But I'm not going to sleep yet.

Guess I'll just say 'Hi'.

Well, today was the last day of term 1. But i dont feel any happiness or joy of the holidays cause it's also the first day of not enjoying it..
Seriously, one week, JUST ONE FREAKING WEEK and they have to take it away.

Here's my holiday schedule:

Monday: E-learning (wth, it's supposed to be on a weekday, DURING school)
Tuesday: Maths remedial, physics remedial
Wednesday: 3 hours worth of physics rememdial, Biology remedial
Thursday:Canoeing in the afternoon (So cant do anything in the morning, and can only have just enough time for dinner)
Friday:Canoeing the WHOLE afternoon. (cannot do anything in the morning, dinner must rush)

Yup, so my whole week is ruined. =(

Public caning today. It looks dam painful and I heard the boys couldn't sit down properly after the caning. One guy clenched his fists man. Other guy tried rubbing his butt, of course couldn't cause evryone was looking at him. Must act cool about it.

Report card received. Of all subjects, I failed English, first test. Wth, i have never failed english in my entire life. So i slapped myself when i received the test paper long ago.
Other subjects weren't too bad. Got alot of A's. =)

Keep up the good work Shona. =)

Tomorrow competition. National Junior championships. And there's like 3 JC's in my heat. So top 3 definitely out of our league. We'll try our best. And I'll aim for the semi's at least.
It's ok. Ne-Yo will bring me through all the nervousness. heehee~

Currently, (I need to write this) I love;

I like;

I know the baking is like, sudden and all, but I just made strawberry trifle yesterday(not baking, though) and brownies today!! yum... haha

So, I'll just get early sleep today. If i can. I just wanna do the best i can, give my all, avoid being last, and beat KC. =)

Anyway it's not our main competition. National inter-schools are the main ones. ugh....*sigh*

Guess i better go.

Hope the 6G gathering works out. =)

And hope my holidays can still be enjoyed despite it being hunted down by every school and the government. Why the hell cant they jsut understand that we need a REAL break!!!! What do you all not understand by the word holiday??? I cant stand it. I mean, it's just ONE freaking week. Will we really DIE without being given remedials, extra classes, homework? I mean, you think we're robots or something? Just get it into your heads, omg. oh well...what can i do?

Welcome to freakin' singapore.
Where they're out to spoil your holidays.
Where everything exists to stress you out.
Where they force knowledge down students throats.
Where, unfortunately, we all live in.

I love Ne-yo.


I don't know how to feel about it.

SPORTS DAYdecided onSunday, March 8, 2009 @ 7:02 PM

I'm doing this for yunling


I've not been updating cause I've had no time.

I'll just update about YESTERDAY.

7th march 2009, Saturday:

Met shuwei on the bus to bedok stadium. And met aslinda and Syarif at the stadium's bus stop. We were suppose to be at the stadium at 7. We were on time.

No national anthem, just the pledge.

Oh yes, dear little yunling didnt turn up. =(

Yea, then events started.

My 100m race was in the pouring rain, but I felt that i ran better in the rain, since Hidayah wasn't as close to me as in the heats. I got third place! again! But this time, Carissa was first, Anis was second, not vice versa.

Yea, then awarded for long jump, 2nd place. We were all awarded for completed events while there was other events going on. Where's the glory in that? I'll elaborate later.

Then 4x100m, we managed to get 3rd! Surprisingly, since Kimberly isn't such a good sprinter. We were totally lagging in the first part. Luckily, Hazel totally trashed VANISHAA by catching up with her!!! heehee. Felt good, even though i wasn't the one. hehe.Then on to lindsay, jeanette from emerald caught up, but when she passed to me, i totally ran ahead of Natalie, i guess Emerald's passing not that great, or Natalie isn't a sprinter. Yea so we got 3rd, again like last year. I had a feeling that if mingyi was running, we could've gotten second cause i THINK I wasn't far off from the 2nd place, Ruby. oh well, a medal's good enough.

Then 20x50, last minute selection. 10 girls and 10 guys from each house doing relay. Topaz was leading. Until Melissa passed the baton to Hazel. Since we were running back and forth, one person would hold the bottom of the baton and pass to the next person who would hold the top, and so on. However, Melissa held the middle and Hazel dodn't know what to do, and they dropped it. And then Ruby caught up. what the hell man. We could have totally won. I'm pretty upset at Melissa, even though i know i shouldn't be.

Cheerleading, Ruby won, Topaz second.
I thought (I'm really not biased) Topaz should have won and sapphire get second. Cause Ruby was totally like, DANCING LIKE ROBOTS and hardly any CHEER. its CHEERleading!! and they wwere dancing to some indian music. I mean, seriously. The coordination was better, but it totally wasn't a cheer. Topaz really cheered like cheerleaders. And Ruby, had two teachers to help. wth. I really thought it was unfair.

So all in all, three medals for me. 1 silver, 2 bronze.
Rauf managed to get 3 gold, but he didnt get the individual awards. Dont know why.
I hope to get 1 gold next year, for long jump. =)

Time to be upset.


Firstly, you hold Sports day on a weekend, its usually on a weekday.

Secondly, the only main events on Sports day itself were 100m and 4x100m. wth is wrong? hello!!! Didn't you guys think of those participating in 200m, 400m, and 800m? What if the parents want to see their child run? They wouldn't get the chance!!! Thats explains the lack of parents on Sports day. The whole sports day was boring!! Seeing only 2 main events. Cheeering for only 2 events!!!
You should only do the heats early, and ALL the finals on sports day!!!! stupid.

Thirdly, you guys presented the awards for completed events while other events were going on, instead of at the end of sports day. HELLO!!!!! Where the honour in taking your medal???? You can barely hear the winners over the noise from the crowd!! You just announce the names, what house their from and their position. Nobody knows who the hell they are. I mean, if you receive a prize, wouldn't you want everyone to see you so you can have some glory? Everyone else is watching the events that are going on!!!! stupid idiots. Yoy should wait till the end of sports day, during prize presentation, and THEN you give out all the medals. Then the whole house can cheer for the winners.

I am freaking upset.

Oh well, topaz isn't last. We were first for awhile. Hope for next year,




15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010