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SPORTS CARNIVALdecided onFriday, May 29, 2009 @ 9:54 PM


So I've made this public again. =)
Finally decided to after long weeks/months of contemplating.
It's a long story to why I did that.

Today was the last day of school and we had the spoprts carnival the WHOLE DAY. Except for ICT training afterwards.
The sports/games were for 3e1, 3e2, 3N1 and 3N2. (i think)

I substituted to play lacrosse for shuwei since she CAME IN HER UNIFORM AND DIDNT BRING PE.
But glad i did cause i had lots of fun playing in all three matches. I think I like lacrosse the best. Also because I scored the first and only goal for the game against 3E2. heehee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Godwin was the start player. Most of the goals won by him.
Yea in the end, we won all three matches against all three classes. =) super happy.

Then captain's ball, which i only played for a half a game. We came damn close to losing a game but in the end we won all 3 games AGAIN.

Lastly, three legged soccer, which we had to tie strings around our legs and pley. I partnered with shuwei. And it was really funny cause mr wong said the rules only required us to tie the strings around our LEGS, no matter if they're lose or tight, ankle or thighs.
But shuwei and i thought tying it really tightly to our ankles would enable us to run better cause the two legs would be forced to run as one, resulting in better coordination compared to loose ties and then one foot goes forward before the other, leading to a terrible, unwanted fall.
However, we were wrong, as the game went on, it got tighter and tighter till it hurt so much, i thought the blood wasn't going ot flow to my foot. It was dam painful and shuwei started to feel it too. So DURING the game we hurriedly untied and did the same as the others; tie it super loosely to our thighs and hold the string and run. So its basically two people running close together. All four legs in use.

Worst part was when our last match with 3e2 started. They tied the strings to their waist!! Which totally ruins the whole point of three legged soccer. I mean, i do admit even our strategy was also a little unfair, but they were way off limits. We demanded for a foul but 3e2 kept saying "other people also did it. like that not fair if you ask us to change now". So yea, we just carried on with the game.
In the end, we won ALL THREE MATCHES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

So like, our class won every single match we were involved in. That must've set a new record or something. Totally proved those who thought we were nerdy geeks, who only studied and are good little angels, wrong! haha. Victorious moment celebrating.
And i think it really brought our class closer togther. That was the best benefit yea?

Hopefully there would be prize presentation.

Unfortunately, i don't think all deserve it, really. Cause i KNOW there are some people who delibrately skipped school to avoid the carnival. And seriously speaking, do you think they deserve to receive the class prize(if there's gonna be one)? I mean, i really am happy about those who came and didnt play, cause at least they bothered to come and cheer for our class.
Oh well, we just have to share anyway cause we're a class right? =)

Hmm, so that was the last day of school, and I'm happy I spent it doing that. Although it was dam freaking hot and we were practically drenched in sweat. Dripping with sweat, not exaggerating. Gosh and because our shoes were black, our feet really felt like we put them in hot water. It hurt quite abit.
Speaking of hurt, my ankle has the mark of the string from earlier on. That's how tight it was.

Not even gonna talk about ICT. Although the aircon was well aprreciated.

Here begins our 4 weeks of June holidays.

We're gonna go ice skating, according to arshad's wish. =)
Even though it may cost quite abit of money, at least its something differnt compared to cycling and bowling at east coast park right? I mean, variety people!!!!

Yup. No remedials, FORTUNATELY.
Yup. Lots of homework, UNFORTUNATELY.
Yup. Canoeing training. (No comment cause I'm looking forward to dragon boat competitions!)
Yup. It's only four weeks. And it's going to fly by so quickly. I can count on that.

Good luck to the sec 4's having their MT O' levels on Monday.

We were supposed to go to Selangor next week!!!!!! Now we have to wait TILL OCTOBER.

Since i just made this public, if you've read my post for like, the first time, I don't expect you to like it or come back to read more. Cause i know it's wordy and that's how i post. So yea. If you don't mind them, then i don't mind you coming back. Just don't tell me that my posts are "SO WORDY AND SO LONG" and ESPECIALLY don't tell me that "IT'S LIKE READING A COMPO" cause i know what i wrote and how long it is.

I need to change the song, but blogger won't let me.

peace out.


I don't know what I'm supposed to feel.

IT'S ALL NEWdecided onFriday, May 22, 2009 @ 8:27 PM


I've been too lazy to blog lately, but i think i need to at least update it briefly.

SChool has been fun recently since, althought there has been lessons, its after exams and nobody gives a shit to what is going on during lessons.

Went to the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Official Commitee(SYOGOC) Headquarters today. 4 people from each sec 3 class were chosen. Together with lindsay, arshad and shawn. Mrs choo chose us cause she thought we were the loudest in class.
Yea, so it was fun with them. The bus ride especially. Making ltos of stupid jokes and just talking.
The place itself was pretty boring cause there wasn't much there. The main reason for going there was to understand and know more about the YOG cause next week the sec 3's are supposed to visit and the 4 leaders have to play teh tour guide role. So yea, we had to make sure we knew how to explain everything if someone were to ask us a question.
When we had free time to roam around and take notes to practice being the tour guide, four of us were just talking and wasting our time.
We were supposed to split into pairs and take half the class each, so i think im with Lindsay. WE has a coin toss at first to decide how we were going to be paired,(and i ended up with shawn) but we changed our minds later on.

Yea, the bus ride back was really fun cause the two boys were behind lindsay and I. We talked about lots of stuff and played with the chairs. haha~
We called the time we spent together as "Secret special bonding time". lol...

When we erached school, IPP was still on so we had to wait in the canteen even though lindsay and I wanted to see the classroom block so badly. BUT we had nice biscuits for a snack while the others were suffering. haha

When IPP was over, we rushed to class cause we wanted to see the reacyion of everyone's face when they had fresh air. But we missed the moment. However, they had jsut tore down the plastic from the windows so the heat that we could feel from OUTSIDE the class was so obvious and humid. I mean seriously, the heat was a little immense in fact. Cant believe how they managed live through IPP. Especially with the sweaty boys we have in our class. We walked pass a few classes on the way to our class and could see evryone seating, with wet T-shirts, that includes the girls. So it was really funny. We were enjoying air-con in the bus and biscuits in the canteen! heehee!
But we helped to rearrange the chairs and tables. Lucky no stupid spring cleaning.
Mrs choo probably chose the four of us cause she probably didnt want us to make noise like we usually do and take up all the oxygen. Smart move.

After everything was done, went with Lindsay, Jieyi, Kimberly, Yizhen, Yongsoon, Weesheng and Jiahao for lunch. We were in the way to kimberly's house to go watch a movie. Had lunch at a hawker centre under one of the blocks in kimberly's estate. Ten Weesheng left for soccer.
The rest of us went to kimberly's house.
Shuwei was invited but apprently, she was spontaneously going out with yunling. I didnt know anything about that. Just know that after school they made sudden plans. I had nothing to do, so i followed the other group.
In the end we played lots of games at Kim's house.
Like Uno stacko, Uno, Form a Word, Scum. That's all i remember. Yea it was really fun. Ended up laughing like mad cause the last part they were taking pictures that resembled gangsters and a family potrait. The family potrait was the best, cause it really looked like a family potrait.
Yong soon was the dad, Jie yi was the mum, Jia hao was the "too-cool-for-anything" army brother, Kimberly was the average teenager and Yizhen was the innocent, super cute youngest daughter. Go to yongsoon's blog and see the pics, really funny.

Yup, that's the highlight of the week. Or basically, what happened today.
Cant wait for next week, post exam activities, but still have physics and geography and certain other subjects. So stupid. ugh...

Well, sunday kimberly and lindsay are coming to my church! Hopefully jieyi also. And maybe jieyi and lindsay are staying over tomorrow night! haha. funfunfun.

I cant wait for the holidays. The four "leaders" today planned an ice skating class outing. It's gonna be dam fun. haha.
I love my class and my classmates.
But not as much as i love chocolate, which i had at kim's house. haha

I told lindsay so much about me already. ALOT about me.

Should i make this public? So many people have been asking me to invite them/make it public.

Have a nice week!!


It's not you anymore, i have a different one in mind already.
So I'm glad i dont have to make myself suffer.

LIBERTYdecided onMonday, May 11, 2009 @ 11:45 PM



I'm finally posting.

Well, stupid freakn' exams are over. I'm so happy. Really i am.

Went out with shuwei adn yunling lat friday to watch 17 again. Pretty good show, it's funny.
On, Saturday went to watch X-men Origins: Wolverine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW. amazing show. And if you watch it, go watch X men 1 again. It'll make a whole lot more sense. And there's a tiny bit after the credits. As in really, AFTER the credits. Cause there's a small scene after about 30 secs of the credits and another scene after the whole credits.
Yea, so that was awesome.
Gambit is the coolest character ever.

Sunday we left mummy's present on her dressing chair for her to discover the next morning. WE went to mustafa around like 10 plus to go buy a present the previous night.
Indian lunch to celebrate my grandmother's mother's day.
Spent the rest of the afternoon at sheena's house.
Went to Seah street Deli at night for a late dinner for mummy's mother's day

TODAY. (Off in lieu of Vesak day)
Managed to sleep in quite abit.
Met shuwei and godwin around 12 plus to go to east coast park to meet the rest of the class.
When we met, went to macs to eat and chill.
By then it was Me, shuwei, lindsay, jieyi, yizhen, fouzan, godwin, arshad, jia hao, henderson(yes, he was there. lol), sheril, chinboon, Carissa, brendon, jeanette(who left just as we got to macs) and Syarif, who joined us midway.
Then went bowling.
Fight between chinboon and henderson over changing chinboon's name on the screen. Vulgarities and pushing arose. =(
So childish.

Had fun there, the Sjab people were there too. Very weird for me. haha.
And intern teachers from our school right next to us.
Yong Soon popped in too.
The game went ok for me. A lot of unpredictable rolls.
But it was fun.

Then cycling. Godwin, sheril and lindsay left, though.
Yea we rented for 2 hours. And they planned to ride all the way to changi. I stayed at the back with shuwei, arshad, henderson and carissa cause Carissa just learned how to cycle and she was slow and steady. Then after an hour of cycling, we still hadn't reached changi so a group of us turned back cause we didnt wanna exceed the time. Plus, we weren't eating at changi or anything. Syarif and Carissa had to go back, so me, shuwei, henderson and brendon headed back with them.
We reached like 10 mins late but we didnt have to pay extra.
Felt the pain of the butt and pain of the thighs. lol. =)
But it was really nice. Haven't cycled in quite awhile.

Went for a short walk with shuwei to get macs ice cream. yum.
When we returned to the bike rental place, the others still hadn't reached.

When they reached, they were like half and hour late so they had to pay $2 extra.
Lucky for us!!!! =)

Went to parkway for dinner with shuwei, yizhen, jieyi, fouzan, yongsoon, arshad, jiahao, chinboon and brendon. To the food court, the only place we poor little students could afford.
After lunch all the boys who brought their bikes headed off first cause it would've taken them quite awhile before they reached home.
The rest of us walked to the bus stop.
Poor fouzan, his bike's tire punctured, his brakes and gears spoilt, so he left his bike at east coast and called his parents to pick him up from parkway and then go get his bike.

A good, cold and freezing bus ride back home.
And a nice, dark, lonely walk back home.

It was enjoyable and the turn up was pretty good.
Good organizing.
Oh, and i didnt realize brendon was such a good guy. He can really take charge. He's a good leader/organizer. =)

Why must they take away marking day and fit it with leadership training and ICAS? (Science new south wales thingy)

I want to go back to school and enjoy not listening to teahcers.
I want to enjoy post exam activities.
I CAN enjoy them,
unless they return our papers.


Oh, should i make this blog public again? I've been thinking about it.


Is there still a point?


15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010