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SICKENEDdecided onFriday, July 31, 2009 @ 9:51 PM


Oh gosh. this week has passed already. I rememeber asking raudhah on monday during recess:
"What's the day today? Monday right? Good, still the beginning of the week."

And now it's ended.
Time, please slow down.

Not much excitement this week. So, shouldn't the time pass slower?

Oh, but today was a good highlight.

We did the sec 4 presentation thing today. WE booked the second floor of the library to use. And 4E1 was inside the whole time. But, we, ACCORDING THE THE RIDICULOUSNESS OF MDM TAY, could only enter if we REALLY needed to.

Firstly, the deco group gave them their hearts with sweets inside. Some of us didnt even know the person, so had to ask around. haha. Then straight away must leave, cause cannot contain two classes in one room.
So it was like:
Us: "Here you go!"(Giving the heart)
Them:"Thank you!"
Us: "Ok, bye bye."
Pathetic, and it seems like we have no heart and no sincerity. Just give and leave.

Then the performing group acted, and the rest of us stood outside the room watching, like homeless desperatos asking for sympathy.
Anyway, the acting was REALLY good. Syarif made them laugh like mad. And lindsay and yongsoon were really good too. REALLY.
Big applause for those who acted. =)
WEll done, they liked it.

THen after that we presented them with the board with their cards on it.
Immediate reaction from 4E1 with no hesitation: "WHOA!!!!!!!!!"
So, that was a great feeling, cause we put lots of effort into it, THEY BETTER LIKE IT. haha
But im sure they did, judging from their reaction. And the cards weer really nice, done mostly by jieyi. Beautiful, really. Go see 4E1's classroom, i think they would've put it up.

And then their monitr and chairman gave a speech, which was supposedly: "from the bottom of our hearts", but he was reading it from a paper. haha. it's ok, im just really glad they like what we did for them.
I don't mean to boast, but i doubt any other class did as much as we did.

But yea, i enjoyed it on the whole. 4E1 gave us lollipops too!!! heehee.
Yea and hakim tried to give me one to erase his punishment, but no, i already had one, so im guessing he still owes me. =)
Really good job guys, and also thanks to 4E1 for liking it, that was the best part.

UNFORTUNATELY, it wasn't as good cause we couldn't really watch the play and couldn't stay in the same room ALTHOUGH NEXT WEEK WE'RE GONNA START ASSEMBLY.
What's the problem seriously?
But at least we didnt go to the extent where we had to video tape the play and show it to them on video, that would've just been stupid.

So today was a good day. =)
Sorry yunling and shuwei for backing out the last minute, i was really tired and i think my sickness is getting worse. I really needed to rest and i dont wanna spread it to you guys.
Yup, im sick. Have a cough and phlegm and running nose. Hope it's nothing serious. But no fever. And oh yea, 10 poeple never come to school from my class today. haha.

Take care:
Bi Xuan

Others not sure if they're sick.

Tomorrow have dinner at aunty shobana's house!!! WITH SHEELA!!! haven't seen her since america. =)

I can't think of anything to write anymore.

EXCEPT. monday have breakfast for interaction time!!! MACDONALDS!!! AND MRS CHOO SAID SHE'LL "SETTLE" MY HASHBROWN!!!! YAY!!! LOVE HASHBROWN!!!

Goodnight, i need to rest, although i jsut took a 3 hour nap to recover just now. Not recovering yet though.
I want to lose my voice. Yes that's right, I WANT TO. Cause it's funny, and i dont wanna answer questions in school and sabo the whole class to copy physics table again. (TWICE)

Goodnight again, please don't get sick everybody. It sucks. Unless of course, you lose your voice, then it's a different story, cause it's funny. haha


ROCK HANDSdecided onFriday, July 24, 2009 @ 9:14 PM


That's also a physice formula.
Hi/Ho = magnification. That's great, i will DEFINITELY use it in the future.

Well, the past week, was......a bore.
And it passed really quickly. It's already over. Too fast.
Too fast.

But the highlight of the week was that i managed to go rock climbing!!!
With Andrew(for those who would like to know, my cousin who just came back from NZ), his girlfriend(Cheryl), girlfriends niece, my other cousin and two brothers.

Went to orchard central, the biggest indoor climbing wall in SEA. (4 storeys)
But we ddi this thing called via ferrata...not sure of the speeling, it was like a metal ladder thingy, and you have to hook yourself the whole way up, so your life is practically in your hands. I was actually sweating by the time i reached the top.
The boys took 20 mins when they gave us 2 hours, so they used the remaining time for rock climbing. WE took quite awhile cause Cheryl's niece, Annabelle, was pretty scared and couldn't reach some of the rungs.

But when we were done, we did rock xlimbing too, and it was dam tiring. But dam fun. I was actually shaking from the tiredness and from how scared i was. I'm not scared of heights, but when you're up there, you get scared.

Anyway, my hands are hurting now. I can't clap, nor scrub my hands to hard. So irritating, the bone hurts. From holding on to the metal rungs.

Anway finished around 11 plus AT NIGHT. Had mini supper at macs and then headed home. Thats why i was so dam tired in school today from lack of sleep.
But i always enjoy time with Andrew, he's a really fun guy.

Having lunch with them again next sunday.

And this sunday, meeting up for group project for the SS/English thing. I'm really excited about that cause i can't to see Syarif acting. And YL's probably gonna help with filming,thanks for that.

I'm glad it's the weekend. Catch up on sleep.

And homework. =(

Let's try to enjoy for now.


THE TOMdecided onFriday, July 17, 2009 @ 10:01 PM


Man, i should really start posting more often.

School's been a dread. I have nothing much more to say.

So many tests are coming out. Dammit, still half in the holiday mood.

And i definitely am happy that there's no morning assemblies, so i dont have to go down.
And i like taking temperatures, especially in the midday, cause it wastes time.
And i also like that the back gate is closed. Cause i enjoy the long walks to school, listening to my mp3.

OH yea, and unfortunately, one day(past tuesday), i was walking to school with arshad. And mr azahar happened to be the teacher at the front gate. And im sure you can guess what he thought.
And UNFORTUNATELY, we had SS the same day. And he had to announce it to the whole class that 'Arshad has officially changed girlfriend'.

ANYWAY, today the rest had MT oral. I waited in the canteen for shuwei and YL. Good girl, doing homework in the canteen all by herself. It's ok, i actually enjoy cause i get to listen to music with no interruptions.

I dont feel like typing much anymore.

OH BUT, i realized that i really like Tom Cruise. After watching Rain Man. (Or part of it). ACtually I've liked him for quite awhile, but forgot how much i did till i saw Rain Man.

YES. Katie Holmes is so lucky to have him.
Toobad he doesn't have very nice pictures of him. So hard to find.
But he's cute. No, hot. =)
CCA is going to start, no more free time. My muscles have turned to fat. Help me.
My brain is starting to get stressed, because there are tests coming up. Help me.
My vision is sometimes blur, cause i think i use too much com and TV. Help me.
I need chocolate.
Maybe there's still hope.

ALL WE AREdecided onSunday, July 5, 2009 @ 10:22 PM

All we are
I tried to paint you a picture
The colors were all wrong
Black and white didn't fit you
And all along
You were shaded with patience
And strokes of everything
That I need just to make it
And I believe that
I could tear you apart
But it won't break
Anything that you are, you are
We won't say our goodbyes, you know it's better that way
We won't break, we won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are, all we are, is everything that's right
All we need, all we need, our love is at a bind
I walked a minute in your shoes
They never would've fit
I figured there's nothing to lose
I need to get some perspective on these words
Before I write them down
You're an island and my ship is running ground
I could tear your apart
But it won't break
Anything that we are, we are
We won't say our goodbyes, you know its better that way
We won't break, we won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are, all we are, is everything that's right
All we need all we need, our love is at a bind
Every single day that I can breathe
You changed my philosophy
I'm never gonna let you pass me by
So don't say your goodbyes
You know its better that way
We won't break, we won't die
It's just a moment of change
So don't say your goodbyes
You know its better that way
We won't break, we won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are, all we are, is everything that's right
All we need, all we need, our love is at a bind
One Republic
I want to change my blog song to either this, or Dreaming out loud BUT
I can't find dreaming out loud on imeem, and blogger wont let me change the song.
Somebody, help.

SERIOUSLYdecided on @ 9:53 PM

Mmm. Hello.

OH. I haven't blogged for dam long.

Mann... I dont wanna type it out. Nothing exciting has happened anyway. Oh, but i do wish to write about the past friday.

Sorry about the lateness. But, I can't get myself to blog on the day that anything happens.

ANYWAY, last friday was be yourself day.
Class theme: BLACK AND WHITE.
No offence, but how boring and common is that? I mean seriously, there were other classes who has the same theme. I jsut wore a black shirt, jeans and necklace. With shoes that didn't match the outfit.
We actually picked retro, but everybody was like:
"What's retro?"
"What to wear for retro?"
"Don't want lah..."
"Can wear black?"

And many other stupid questions. No offence to anybody, but seriously, we already told you guys that it's just being bright and hip. I mean, seriously, for one day of the year, on the shortest school day of the week, the whole class is doing it, and you don't wanna do it. What the hell is wrong with you people? I know i should'nt get upset by this small matter, and it's over already, but I want to say it out.
I mean, there were so many good ideas initially. Like the nerds, masks and the coolest ever: INVERTED CLOTHING. I mean, if we ALL did that, nobody would laugh at you, nobody would think you look stupid because there's a whole bunch of us looking the same. And it's for like what, HALF A DAY?!?! I'm so frustrated with people who don't want to participate just because the THINK they look stupid.
You're so cautious about yourself, you don't realise that nobody is gonna stare at you, because on the whole, the entire class will be doing it too!
Nobody will think you stand out cause of how stupid you look, cuase theres another 39 people who look the same!
Nobody is gonna laugh and point and gossip about your looks, cause then, they'll have to gossip and laugh and point at another 39 people!!!
But of course, there'll always be poeple who aren't sporting and can't have a bit of silly fun in their lives. Just for 6 hours of the year.


I dont' wanna talk about it cause I can't imagine next year. It's gonna be our last year, and i dont want this to happen again. Where's the fun in you guys? I dont wanna say: "Oh yea, I'm in 3E1, that's why we're no fun. We're all studious and only know how to study and have no fun in our lives."
Cause i really think we're not totally like that. Seriously, i am so irritated with the people who cant just...JUST DO IT FOR FUN. FOR FUN. JUST FOR FUN.
We could do stupid silly things like:

Wear inverted clothes

Dress as terrorists(which i think i really wanna do, cause its dam funny)

Paint all our faces like Syarif did.
Wear masquerade masks.


Whatever, it's over.

Congratulations Syarif, because i think you looked great. Thanks to me and lindsay for our awesome artwork on your face, you got nominated for best individual. I hope you win. And I'm so glad we bought the face colouring stuff.
And fouzan, im so happy you wore the tie. haha. Though the polka-dotted one we saw would have been funnier. =)

Later that day, had the AYG thing. At the swissotel, together with lindsay and arshad and other sec 3's. Shawn supposed to come, but he didn't.
Anwyay, we had fun. Meeting all sorts of atheletes from around the world.
4 freakishly tall Iran basketball-playing guys surrounded me and i felt inferior. And felt really small. It was so funny, how they expressed themselves.
The Iran manager/coach/teacher/adult-in-charge wanted to take a picture of them at our Tajikistan booth, so we all walked out of the picture, but he told us to get in the picture, but then one of the Iran guys looked at us and said: NONONONO!!!
Haha, guess he didnt want us in the picture.

And only 2 Tajikistan atheletes were participating in the games, and they came to our booth!!! haha.
And we played the game from the next to us, where lindsay fell on her back. HAHA.

Great place to look out for guys cause their athletic and buff. Really buff.
Mmm, exactly what i would like my guy to be. Buff. haha...

Had dinner at macs with lindsay, arshad and Andy, this sec 2 guy. And arshad nearly fell from the raised platform. The leg of his chair was at the edge of the platform, and he didnt know, so he leaned back and almost fell, but grabbed the table to pull himself up.
Omg, i laughed till i cried.
It was dam funny to see him almost fall. HAHA ARSHAD. HAHA.

And we saw this cross dresser.
Tall guy, abit muscular on the legs, wearing a bright neon yellow tank, yes TANK TOP, with short black shorts, black shoes with shin-length black socks. Hair like Ms Ng, our ex-geog teacher. And big sunglasses.

Yup, so i got a free doughnut after everything was over. yummy. doughnuts...

And Mr loh dropped me at my bus stop, cause it was on the way to where he was headed. I was in the same car as Yi Da and Shirlyn.
The others took the other car with Mdm Ng, cause she dropped them near school.

Well, it was a good experience, I learned more about Tajikistan. I'm glad i was chosen and went.
Bread is very sacred in their country.
Green tea is their national drink.
Don't step on people's feet.
And NEVER blow your nose in public. It is UNACCEPTABLE. =)

Good luck Tajikistan. Swimmer and athlete. I think.

I don't want to go back to school. School sucks.
Please government, make the schools close.

Yunling's coming over tomorrow. To do work. =)

And im so scraed my eyesight is going. I sometimes see things blurry.

And CCA is cancelled for this week. yay! more free time.

And by the way, i can't stand people who say, IN THEIR REAL LIFE CONVERSATIONS, OUT OF THEIR OWN MOUTH:
"LOL" (pronounced as: lawl, L-O-L, even worse, some pronounce it as lole)
"W.L" (It's walau.)
"Dots" (?!?!?!??!?!)
And the worst of them all, i feel like slapping the person's face,
"Dash dot dash"(Meant to say '-.-', as in: lame)

Seriously, it's gonna grow into a habit, and you're not gonna know how to talk properly next time. Ko is the ultimate culprit.
Please guys, seriously, get a life.

And I'm sorry to Ryan, that we haven't been able to go out, the whole bunch of us. We jsut really need to find a better date when all of us are free. Dont' be angry at us. Not our faults.

School is taking the fun away. Ugh, it's so irritating.
A maths teacher, please stay away from school. WE haven't seen you the whole of first week, don't wish to see you in the weeks to come. =)

I love Ne-Yo. And i like One Republic.
R.I.P MJ. Your dancing rocks to the max.


Seriously, I can't stop laughing at how ridiculous it is.
Is it for real?


15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010