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SLEEPYdecided onFriday, August 28, 2009 @ 10:18 PM

Hello and good... night?

Yup. Finally updating after what...a week? or more?
Ahh..not like anybody comes here anyway, they've all given up reading my posts.
This is just for me then.

I'm so happy it's a friday. Means there's saturday tomorrow!!! The only day of the week that i can sleep till 11 plus. =)
Starting to sleep alot in school now, think i have lack of sleep. So I'll catch up on that tomorrow.

Yup, sleeping in school, CAn't help it, and it sucks cause i dont pay attention. And i sleep during the most boring lessons, MATHS, BOTH MATHS, and they're really important subjects. Cause the topics just advance, and if i dont know the basics, im gonna suffer.
Yea it's a penance.
PENANCE= the action of willingly making oneself suffer.
I willingly sleep so that results in suffering.
(I learnt that for English vocab test!)

OH, but nobody can beat the queen of sleeping, SHUWEI.
she sleeps in like every lesson except physics and english man.
Today Mr tan caught her. HAHA.
No offence shuwei.

Other than school, training has been really good.

Did k4 today. From front rower to back: Me, Hazel, Natalie, Jieyi.

May partner's all the way at the back now...haha.

But we were really good! WE didn't cap at ALL!!! That's exetremely good considering that Hazel hasn't tried it before and this is the first time it's this group of four.

Poor lindsay, she was so jealous. You'll get your chance im sure!! =)

My back hurts now. But my muscles are growing back! OH AND MOST IMPORTANT. I found out how to paddle properly. After seeing SOMEONE do it, i learnt myself!! And it actually is easier than what i was doing initially. I can keep my elbows straight...YAY!!!! Fels dam good to paddle properly.

Well, monday no training!!! =) Half day in school somemore. PERFECT. Celebrate teacher's day!!! Shuwei and i know what we wanna do for some teachers!!! =) Can't wait for the concert. Wanted to watch the rehearsal just now then started late and they kept rehearsing the finale... so i didnt watch any of the performances. I just watched a bunch of people walking into the hall, 3 TIMES.

Then tuition. Tuition spoils everything.

Okok, i'll end here.

Can somebody buy me doughnuts please??? Cravings... They are my instant happiness pills.


Is what i see true?

BYE ANDREWdecided onSunday, August 16, 2009 @ 9:20 PM


Surprised i'm updating within a span of less than 4 days?
I am too. =)
Want to say what happened at the street party yesterday
IT was our 10th annual street party!! yay!!
And i felt it was the best one ever.
Know why?
Cau we played with flour and water. YES. Half our street was coated in flour, cause we stole flour from the games we had earlier, and we were all white. And THEN we played water bombs. We were practically walking cakes. HAHA.
Omg it was DAMN fun. Food was good, music was good, BEING HUMAN CAKES WAS GOOD.
But, of course, we cleaned the street after that. Yes i know, we're so responsible. HEY, the KIDS cleaned up okay, not the adults. Haha, but had fun cleaning cause we used the bucktes of water to drench everybody. We were entirely wet when it all ended.
And after we were done, shankar and shafi filled a bucket with water, put a tray of ice into it so ti was dam cold, held the bucket between them with both hands, AND STARTED JUMPING AROUND. So they were getting wet as they jumped, WITH ICE COLD WATER. It was dam funny cause they were topless and they were shivering after that.
So yea, best street party EVER.
I'm gonna send out fliers to the street to announce to everybody that i want to celebrate halloween. Cool right? I've already got children supporters who agree with me.
I can start the ball rolling and who knows? Amybe becuase of me, the whole singapore will start to celebrate.
I've been wanting to celebrate for so long, finally i get the chance.
Gonna invite some of you guys(yes shuwei, i'll invite you) to come to my street when we celebrate. Adn it's perfect for this year cause 31st October is a saturday. So i dont have to worry about the kids having school the next day.
PERFECT. I can't wait.
Can't wait for next year's street party. Let's do a dance. My bro and i danced to soulja boy later that night cause it was playing over the loudspeakers. Yea, i know the dance, THE ACTUAL DANCE. I can teach you. =)
But may be shy when you ask me to..haha
Also came to update pictures on Andrew's send off.
We woke up at like 6:15 this morning to go sned him off at T3.
Yea, tired like siao.
Had breakfast at YA KUN KAYA TOAST.
Hee hee...

Yea and took some pictures, just a few, but finally i took some. Felt so irritated when i didnt bring it to night safari.
Well yea, here you go.

Tired to the max. My bro sleeping on the way there..See how dark it still was?

HAHA. quite disgusting actually....

He ASKED his picture to be taken that way. haha.

Yea, my handsome ANG MOH COUSIN.
He looks better when he shaves. lol...

YA KUN!!! =)
Cheryl's next to him, sorry it's not a clear shot.

BTW, he's FIT, not FAT. =)

Bye bye Andrew, we'll miss you alot. And all the stupid things we did together. Can't wait till you come back for Christmas/CNY.

Yup, so that was this morning.

In church i was damn sleepy man...

And i had to play piano!! Which i messed up the intro of the FIRST song. Oh well...

Sheena's last sunday. She's leaving for ITALY to study for like, a year or two. Coming back for christmas!! She's my cousin, fyi.

Ok, up till here. School tomorrow. What a dread. Untill 4 somemore, then still have training.

OH. Shuwei, thanks so much for doing all the editing for our video, so glad it's finally done. You guys should see our bloopers. Laugh till you drop.

I'm out.


SAFARI GIRLdecided onFriday, August 14, 2009 @ 10:10 PM


Damn, wanted to update on sunday.

Anyway, the best day this week was yesterday.
Cause i went to NIGHT SAFARI with andrew and cheryl and my family!!!(except my dad)
It was so damn fun cause it was with andrew and i haven't been there for how many years man.

We went for the 'creatures of the night' show, which cheryl use to work with, and she lead us to the seat which had the snake under it.
Yes, a snake.
Halfway during the show the keepers CLAIMED they lost an animal and there were three boxes under the floor, around the ampitheatre. So cheryl knew where they put the snake, and of course, she was right, and when they opened the box, IT WAS THERE. AND I WAS NEXT TO THE BOX
I took four keepers to carry it. And they asked for a volunteer to carry it. ONE PERSON to carry a snake which needed FOUR PEOPLE to carry it.
Really funny....AND SCARY.

But it was pretty short.
But I got to see an actual wolf howl!
And i had a giant snake about 5cm(not exaggerating) from me.
And lots of foreigners = hot guys. =)

Yea and we walked around alot, saw ALOT of cool animals.
Like the hyena, and FLYING FOX!!!(WHICH I GOT TO SEE ACTUALLY GLIDING, AND WHEN IT GLIDES, THERE IS A STRONG WIND), fruit bats, otters and alot more.
Oh, and i founf out, im an otter whisperer. Seriously, they answered whenever i squealed at that. EVERY SINGLE TIME WITHOUT FAIL. =)

But the bestest part was when we hid behind the bushes when a tram passed by, and made sounds like :"WEH WEH WEH!!!" And we saw the poeple on the tram change the direction of their heads towards us. IT WAS DAMN FUNNY. WE sounded like hyenas and we just hid behind the bushes. Laugh like mad sia. WE kept making the sounds when we were walking along the paths too. Ask me for the sound, i'll gladly produce it. It's an irritating alarm-like sound.
Yea, and we kept tripping each other for fun while walking too.
I love time with andrew, he's fun.
Dam sad we forgot to bring the camera, so had to make do with my phone, cause it was the best amongst all we had, and considering it was night time, it's dam blur, maybe i'll upload soon. probably on Facebook.

Yea, so that was probably the last time we get to go out before he goes back to new zealand on sunday morning. My family is going to send him off of course! Maybe i'll bring a camera, i've been wanting to take pictures with him to show.... anybody i guess.

Yup, so, that was fun. Night safari is really good. Love the animals. =)

Yea so that was what pretty much made up my week.
Besides training starting again. So tiring sia.... Back/neck hurt like mad.
But i need the excercise.

Didn't go for training today, cause needed to finish project/filming. With mrs choo's permission of course. =)
And we finished filming!!! yay!!!
But halfway through, it started raining and we his under the trees for awhile, but it got heavier, so we ran like mad people to the shophouses, then it stopped after like, 5 minutes. So we managed to finish the rest of it.

omg, you should watch our bloopers. Syarif the superstar, singing his heart out with the camera. His face like monkey, big eyes, and passionate heart.
Just watch our bloopers. We laughed till out stomach hurt, no kidding.

So we're gonna go over to Shuwei's on sunday to edit everything. Hope it turns out how i imagined it to be.
Good job guys, we did really well today. =)

Ok, i have not much to say left.

Street party tomorrow!!! =)


I'm trying not to damage it.

MCdecided onWednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 9:07 PM

Ello ello.

Wow. I'm on the computer in the middle of the week!!
And i'm blogging!

Well yea, i've nothing to do actually.
Have been on MC since yesterday. I've been coughing with alot of phlegm and running nose since last thursday.
Saw the doctor(finally) on monday night and he gave me excuse from physical activities, but no MC. But i decided i didnt feel up to going to school, so my mum said i can stay home.
Another reason was because i hadn't finished copying the physics table.
Dammit aloysius you wasted my whole dam night.
Took like almost 2 hours just to do 4. (we had to do 5)

So tuesday morning shuwei texted me to say they had until 3pm to hand up the tables. So actually, i had nothing to worry about. But how was i supposed to know? Who would DARE take the chance to hand in work late to MRS QUEK???
Apparently, aloysius would.

My mum went to just get an MC for tuesday, but he gave 2 days, which means tuesday and wednesday i need not go to school!
Dam alot of time to kill at home man. Caught up on some much needed sleep and actually did studying and finish homework.
Watched dam alot of TV.
And practiced alot of piano.

I'm so dead for piano, i thought i had 2 weeks to practice, but i only had 1. Now must get 5 songs perfect before sunday.

Today also same thing lah.
Except that i played burnout revenge(which my bros recently got for only $15 at a flea market, FOR AN XBOX360 GAME) with shaman. Really fun.
MY type of car game.
You get points for crashing.
Not winning the race.(which i ultimately suck at)

Yea so, time well spent?? HAHA.

Back to school tomorrow.
I heard the A maths test and Geog test wasn't difficult.
It better not be.
Hope mr lim doesn't change the questions.

At least i spent some time studying.
NOT LIKE ARSHAD whom i texted, to ask him stuff, and he said he spent his MC days SLEEPING LIKE A LAZY PIG.
Arshad you lazy ass, and you can still be so dam smart, it's not fair.

Anyway, tomorrow he's comin back to school, like me! =)

Oh, we better start filming for the SS/EL project thingy. 2 weeks left only!! And we're supposed to FINISH filming 1 week before so the last week was for editing!! Hope it all works out.

I've got nothing much more to say, better study for physics, cause she moved the test from friday to TOMORROW.



15 years Old
7 April 1994

Blurrish at times

Salted Popcorn
My Dog
Right Handed

Listening to music

A girl at a TENDER young age
I am sarcastic but i have a soft and caring side too.
I love to take care of animals and hope i am surrounded my pets ALL my life.
I LOVE my cousins to DEATH because they're the most fun ones i could ever have.
I love to bake!
I don't keep my room tidy and i hate cleaning it up.
I play the piano but I only love to play to myself and piano teacher. I hate playing to let others listen and the only time i play, when others are around, is when they are not listening.

Temasek primary School:
Bedok Green Secondary School:
2/2 =)


A camera
A Laptop
A horse =D
Go to Spain
Go to Switzerland
Small backpack
See Ne-Yo =)
Mika's new album


New Moon
Planet 51
Sherlock Holmes
Alvin and the chipmunks 2!



BGSS 2/1*
BGSS 3/1*
BGSS Canoeing*
Class blog 2/2*
Ghim Hwee*
Ming Khim*
Mr Harry Pan*
Sheau Jing*


designer:sher-em blog
brushes font 1 2


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010